Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 125 Xuantian Immortal Emperor

Chapter 125 Xuantian Immortal Emperor ([-])

Zhuge Huanyu's title Xuantian was based on the "Xuanyuan Mietian" created by himself.

After Zhuge Huanyu ascended to the Immortal Realm, by chance, he met Shangguan Ruoxi, the daughter of Shangguan Feng, the Eastern Great Emperor of the Immortal Realm.After many life and death tribulations, the two finally fell in love. Unfortunately, at that time, Zhuge Huanyu's strength was still very low, and he had no background. Naturally, he was not recognized by Dongji Emperor Shangguanfeng, and there were many people who pursued Shangguan Ruoxi at that time. , basically those who are powerful in the fairy world, and those people are not bad in talent.

Since Shangguan Ruoxi said that he would be with Zhuge Huanyu, other people didn't think about it at all. As a result, many people secretly murdered Zhuge Huanyu. Illusion Canyon, I stayed in Illusion Canyon for 400 years, and finally succeeded in surviving in Illusion Canyon with my extraordinary perseverance, and achieved the lofty Immortal Emperor Fruit Status.

For the past 400 years, Shangguan Ruoxi has been waiting for him, and even went to look for him, but was intercepted by Emperor Dongji, and now Zhuge Huanyu is already a peak powerhouse. Of course, there is nothing wrong with him and Shangguan Ruoxi. People dared to stop her, but Shangguan Ruoxi's cultivation at this time was only at the level of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal.

The Transcending Tribulation Stage and the Mahayana Stage among the cultivators and the Celestial Immortals among the Immortals are actually equivalent to the lower god level in the upper realm of magic civilization, Jinxian and Luotian Shangxian are equivalent to the middle god level, Jiutian Xuanxian and Xianjun are equivalent to the upper level God level, as for the immortal emperor, it is equivalent to the main god level.Shangguan Ruoxi reached Nine Heavens Profound Immortal in less than 1000 years. His talent is top among his peers, but there is still a certain gap with Zhuge Huanyu. Zhuge Huanyu stayed in the fairyland just to wait for Shangguan Ruoxi. This time Zhuge Huanyu The purpose of going to the God of War Realm is to find some special medicinal materials for Shangguan Ruoxi to refine top-quality pills to help her practice.

I didn't expect to meet Wukong here, so the next thing happened.

"You don't need to be too polite, get up." Zhuge Huanyu raised his right hand, and everyone felt a gentle force supporting themselves and others, and they felt even more awe of Zhuge Huanyu in their hearts.

"Thank you, Immortal Emperor Xuantian." Everyone said respectfully.

"Hehe, Brother Wukong, sorry for stealing your limelight." Zhuge Huanyu smiled at Wukong.

"Hehe, it's okay, I didn't expect you to have a great reputation." Wukong also smiled.

"Hehe." Zhuge Huanyu smiled and said nothing, after all, Mike had to introduce other people.

After calming down his excited heart, Mike continued, "This is Master Yun, a friend of the Great Sage."

Everyone said in unison: "Master Yun." They also called Yun Xuanling Master Yun because of Zhuge Huanyu. After all, Yun Xuanling is just a cloud at this time, and they don't think Yun Xuanling will be stronger than them .

"This is Lord Bo Luo." "This is Lord Robert." Mike introduced Bo Luo and Robert to everyone one after another.

"Lord Polo." "Lord Robert." Everyone shouted in unison.

Then Mike introduced everyone in Black Spirit City to Wukong and others.

"Great Sage, is there anything else you need to order?" Mike said to Wukong respectfully after the introduction.

(End of this chapter)

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