Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 126 The Secret Chamber Worship

Chapter 126 Worship in the Chamber of Secrets ([-])

Next, Wukong explained some things. He changed the four groups of Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Suzaku into the four major armies. Mike appointed him as the commander of the Suzaku army. Inside.

Of course, the previously selected members of the Azure Dragon Legion, White Tiger Legion, and Xuanwu Legion will not be removed, and the Suzaku Legion will also select some members below the median god level to enter the legion.

Then Wukong asked Yun Xuanling and the others to arrange it themselves, and he and Zhuge Huanyu went into a secret room in the Black Spirit Mansion to talk.

In the secret room of the Black Spirit Mansion, Wukong took out the Hongmeng Shishijie stick, the breath of the Hongmeng Shishijie stick was not exposed at all, and there was no need to set up an enchantment.

"Brother Zhuge, here you are, you can study here, no one will disturb you." Wukong handed the Hongmeng Shishishi stick to Zhuge Huanyu and said.

"Thank you, brother Wukong, how old are you? Why don't we sworn friends?" Zhuge Huanyu felt that Wukong was a friend worthy of deep friendship, so he decided to make a sworn vow with him.

"Okay, I've lived for more than 600 years now, what about you?" Wu Kong also felt that Zhuge Huanyu was worth making a friend, of course not because of his strength, but because of the spontaneous feeling in his heart that Zhuge Huanyu should be a friend.

In terms of strength, Wukong feels that Zhuge Huanyu's strength is at most the level of a second-tier immortal, and the soul of his first body has been restored by nature. As long as he transforms himself, he will definitely have the strength of a second-tier immortal. .

So Wukong would not befriend Zhuge Huanyu because of his strength, just like Wukong was willing to give Zhuge Huanyu the Primordial Destruction Stick to study, and he unconsciously believed in him without any reason, just a kind of intuition.

"I'm five years old now, younger than you, and I'll call you big brother from now on." Zhuge Huanyu laughed, he didn't despise Wukong just because Wukong was weaker than him.

"Okay, haha, second brother, let's swear an oath." Wukong laughed.

"Okay, big brother, you come first." Zhuge Huanyu said with a smile.

Then Wukong and Zhuge Huanyu stood side by side, both of them raised their right hands upwards like sword fingers.

"I, Sun Wukong, swear to Wukong. Today, I swore to be brothers with Zhuge Huanyu. I will share the blessings and hardships in the future. If there is any violation, I am willing to be turned into nothingness by the Wukong." Wukong swore to the sky.

"I, Zhuge Huanyu, swear to the Dao of nothingness. Today, I swore to become brothers with Sun Wukong, and we will share the blessings and hardships in the future. If there is any violation, I am willing to be turned into nothingness by the Dao of nothingness." Zhuge Huanyu also swore to the sky.

Then Zhuge Huanyu conjured up two bottles of good wine and gave them to Wukong, and the two drank them all in one gulp.

"Haha, happy, big brother, by the way, what is the Dao of Nothingness we swore just now?" Zhuge Huanyu was very curious about the Dao of Nothingness just now.

"Second brother, let me tell you the truth. I am not from this universe. I am from another universe. Dao of nothingness can be said to be the highest level division, or the ultimate dao, the ultimate dao of all universes." Wukong Said cautiously.

"What? There are other universes? The ultimate Tao of all universes?" Zhuge Huanyu was surprised. Although he has reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor now, he will not know the mysteries beyond the universe. After all, he has not yet reached the real peak in the universe. .

(End of this chapter)

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