Chapter 134 Three Major Ontologies ([-])

Zhuge Huanyu can't see Wukong's strength now, which means that Wukong is at least as strong as him.

"Hehe, second brother, why don't you introduce the people around you to Brother Wei?" Wukong said with a smile.

"Hey, brother, this is my wife Ruoxi, and Ruoxi is the brother Wukong I mentioned to you." Zhuge Huanyu introduced to the two of them.

"Ruoxi met elder brother." Shangguan Ruoxi politely saluted Wukong.

"Hehe, brother and sister, it's the first time we meet, and there is nothing to give, you can take this." Wukong waved his right hand, and a black pill appeared in front of Ruoxi.

"Brother, what is this?" Zhuge Huanyu asked curiously as he didn't know this pill.

"This is called Duer Dan, which can help you easily break through the bottleneck. Of course, it also has strength limitations. It is useful for you now, but it will be useless when your strength reaches a certain level." For cultivators below the level of Xianzun to break through the bottleneck is
It is very useful, but the bottleneck is very difficult to break through. The stronger the strength, the harder it is to break through. Many people will always be stuck on the bottleneck of a certain level.Using this crossing pill, there is no need to worry about bottlenecks below the third-order immortal.

"Thank you, big brother." Shangguan Ruoxi thanked happily, and then put away the pill.

This is indeed very useful to her. Today, Ruoxi has used the few pills that Wukong gave Zhuge Huanyu, and with her own efforts, her strength has reached the middle stage of the immortal monarch. Now that she has this crossing pill, she should not be able to afford it. How long does it take to reach the level of Immortal Emperor?

"Second brother, let's go, let's go out and compete." Just as Wukong finished speaking, a golden light flashed on Wukong's body, and a Monkey King in a blue robe manifested.

The two Wukongs are exactly the same, except that the previous Wukong was wearing a gray robe, while this one is wearing a blue robe, and his cultivation base is even more unfathomable, as if he has merged with the heaven and the earth, elegant and unrestrained, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

"God clone? Do cultivators also have god clones?" Bo Luo wondered in surprise.

"This? Brother, what's going on here?" Zhuge Huanyu was very shocked at this time, Zhuge Huanyu clearly felt that Wukong in Tsing Yi couldn't see through it at all.

"Hehe, second brother, this is my real body, and it can also be called my first body." Gray-clothed Wukong said with a smile.

"Second brother, you guys have a competition first, and my second body will explain to you later, and now I'm going down the mountain with Xiaoling." Tsing Yi Wukong took Yunxuanling and disappeared after finishing speaking.

Everything seemed so weird.

"The real body? The first body? The second body?" At this time, everyone's minds were full of these words.

"Okay, big brother, after we finish the competition, you have to talk to me about it." Zhuge Huanyu had a relatively strong mind after all, so he came to his senses in an instant.

"Okay, let's go." After Wukong finished speaking, he disappeared into the hall, and then Zhuge Huanyu and Ruoxi also disappeared into the hall, leaving only the three big-eyed and small-eyed Boluo.

Next, Wukong in Gray Clothes and Zhuge Huanyu found a remote place and put down the barrier, and fought with bare hands. Although Wukong won in the end, the two of them went to the end. When they really fought, they would only lose both sides. .

Afterwards, Wukong told Zhuge Huanyu that he had three major bodies, and now this is the second body, the World-Destroying Saint Body, and the one just now was the first body, the real body, and there is also a Good Fortune Saint Body practicing in the secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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