Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 135 Thunder God of War

Chapter 135 Thunder God of War ([-])

The real body of the three main bodies and Xiaoling went to visit the God of War Realm, looking for an opportunity to become holy by the way, the Saint of Mieshi stayed in Heiling Mountain to conquer the entire Warcraft Mountains, and the Saint of Good Fortune took the time to practice the Eight Laws of Good Fortune.

As for Zhuge Huanyu and Shangguan Ruoxi, they stayed at Heiling Peak to help Wukong conquer the Warcraft Mountains together.

Originally, Wukong thought that he would need to wait for a while before conquering the Warcraft Mountains step by step, but now there is no need at all. With the current strength of Wukong's second body, he can directly surrender the emperor Zihuo of the Warcraft Mountains.

The beasts of the Warcraft Mountains are respected by the strong. If Wukong can subdue Zihuo, then he can become the new ruler of the Warcraft Mountains.

One month passed quickly, this month the Mountain of Warcraft has been ruled by Wukong, Zihuo has also surrendered to Wukong, and became the leader of a new organization of holy soldiers under Wukong. The rest of the members are all high gods, and
All are above the late stage of the upper god, a total of more than 3000 people, and the holy soldiers are actually Wukong's personal guards.

As for Yun Xuanling, he has already followed Wukong's real body down the mountain, and Wukong's second body also told Yun Xuanling through his real body that he will be made the commander of the four major armies in the future, and his position as the leader of the Azure Dragon Army will be handed over to him. To another highgod-level powerhouse, the result goes

Xuan Ling happily agreed.

During this month, Wukong's real body revisited the Chier City that he had passed by. This time, Wukong handed in the magic core of a false god-level monster, although the magic core of the false god level can be sold for at least one hundred purple. Crystal coins, but Wukong didn't care about those, anyway, he

There are many pseudo-god-level magic cores obtained by killing monsters, and there are even some lower godheads.

After Wukong and Yunxuanling entered the city, they sold all the magic cores and godheads and got a sum of money. Then they inquired about the location of the headquarters of the Thunder Temple, and went all the way to the headquarters of the Thunder Temple.

"Whoosh, whoosh." Two lights and shadows flew in the air at high speed.

These two lights and shadows are Wukong and Yunxuanling.

Soon a huge city came into view, which exudes a luxurious and ancient atmosphere.The area of ​​this city is very huge, with a radius of about [-] li.On the city are written four large characters 'Thunder Holy City' with an ancient atmosphere.

Wukong and Yunxuanling saw many people lined up below to enter the city, so they also flew down.

"Brother Wukong, what are we doing here?" Yun Xuanling still didn't know what Wukong was doing here.

"This is the residence of Thunder God of War, one of the seven giants of the God of War world. I want to learn some information about the God of War world from him. Since he is one of the seven giants of the God of War world, he must know a lot about the God of War world. The secret." Wukong smiled at Yun Xuanling.

"Oh, then he should know where there is fun, right?" Yun Xuanling asked Wukong curiously.

"Hehe, he knows." Wukong said with a speechless smile, Yun Xuanling was thinking about playing all day long, which made Wukong really helpless.

"Haha, that's great." Yun Xuanling cheered happily.

Wukong and Wukong plan to go around the city first to see if there is any good stuff?Wukong is very curious about the items in this world. Now that he has come to the Holy City of Thunder, of course he has to go shopping before looking for the Thunder God of War.

So Wukong and Wukong lined up to pay the money to enter the Holy City of Thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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