Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 136 Thunder God of War

Chapter 136 Thunder God of War ([-])

Stepping into the Holy City of Thunder, Wukong and Wukong walked on this spacious street, looking around at the large buildings around them.That kind of rushing is an ancient and gorgeous atmosphere.Sure enough, it is worthy of being one of the earliest cities in the God of War world. After the baptism of a long history, the whole

The city exudes an ancient and heavy atmosphere.

Following the flow of people, Wukong and the two walked to a more prosperous area in the city.The two walked and watched, and saw clothing stores, hotels, restaurants and so on along the way.

"Brother Wukong, look there are three castles over there, and there are many people there." Yun Xuanling cheered suddenly with his eyes brightened.

Wukong looked in the direction Yun Xuanling said.

In the distance to the left of Wukong, there is a huge golden castle.Wukong and Yunxuanling's vision is naturally very good. They both found that this castle is formed by the accumulation of countless golden sands. What is strange is that these golden sands are still flowing slowly, but the city
Fort is no problem at all.

In the distance to the right of Wukong, it is an ancient castle made of black ore, with a height of [-] meters.

In front of Wukong, there is an ancient blue castle with a height of [-] meters. In front of this castle, there is a huge statue tens of meters high, holding a giant spear. The whole statue gives people an invisible coercion. Of course It's just other people, Wukong doesn't have this feeling

"Brother, let me ask you, what are the three castles for?" Wukong asked a young passerby next to him.

The young passer-by turned his head in surprise. After seeing the faces of Wukong and the two, he was immediately relieved, "You came to the world of cultivation and civilization, no wonder you have to know the origin of these three castles."

The young man paused and continued: "The blue castle in front is the Temple of Thunder, where our Master Lei Ting lives, and the castle made of sand on the left is the Union Chamber of Commerce, where goods can be traded, and you can Auction item. The one on the right

The Black Castle is the Temple of the God of War, the place where the title of God of War is assessed and promoted. "

"It would be great if I could become a God of War, even a first-level God of War. The assessment of the God of War is very difficult, and you must be above the middle god to have a chance." Yearning look.

"Well, thank you." After Wukong thanked the young man, he took Yun Xuanling to the Union Chamber of Commerce.

"Brother Wukong, do we want to buy something?" Yun Xuanling asked curiously.

"Don't buy it, go in and see what's in this world? Then go to Thunder God of War." Wukong replied without turning his head.

Soon the two walked to the Alliance Chamber of Commerce. The main entrance of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce was [-] meters wide, and bustling crowds poured into it. It is completely conceivable how good the business of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce is.

Wukong and the two entered the Union Chamber of Commerce with the crowd.

The internal hall of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce is very large, and it can accommodate tens of thousands of people without feeling crowded at all.

Wukong and Yunxuanling looked around in the hall. There were many counters in the hall, and there was a staff member behind each counter. There was a buying area in the left and right corners of the hall, which were dedicated to buying items.

"Brother Wukong, look there is a ladder over there, you can still go up." Yun Xuanling pointed to the right side of the hall and said to Wukong.

"Go, go up and have a look." Wukong led Yun Xuanling towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

(End of this chapter)

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