Chapter 147 Mecha Storm ([-])

"Huh?" Yun Xuanling noticed that there were more than [-] mecha men flying towards this side at a high speed behind the cyan mecha man.

Not only Yun Xuanling found out, but also the cyan mecha man.

"Brother, come and save me." The cyan mecha man immediately called out to the black mecha man who was the leader among the twenty or so mecha men using a wireless signal.

"Hey, hey, hey." More than [-] voices piercing through the air resounded in the air, and the [-] or so people came to the side of the cyan mech man in a moment.

"What's going on?" the black mecha man asked the cyan mecha man right after he arrived. He didn't ask about the situation in detail when he came just now. He is not a reckless person. Make a move casually, or you will make people from the other four major families laugh at you.

"Brother, it's like this. I was teaching a lesson to someone who offended me, but this person suddenly meddled and came to kill me." The cyan mecha man became more courageous at this time. With his brother around, he immediately became the former The appearance of bullying.

He is not as arrogant and domineering as ordinary children of big families. When he meets someone whose strength is uncertain, he will not take risks and continue to be arrogant, because he once saw a child of a big family who was unlucky to bully others but was still confused when he met a strong man. I don’t know, he was killed in the end, even if his family members will avenge him, but his life will be gone if he loses his life, and he can’t be revived if he takes revenge, so if he bullies someone, if he encounters a strong person who can’t be determined, he doesn’t care about the opponent Whether he is strong or not, he will not take that risk.

It's different now, his elder brother is here, and his elder brother Yan Zong is a strong man at the peak of a five-star mech god.

"Your Excellency doesn't seem to be from our Mecha God Realm, right? I don't know where my brother offended you, but you insist on killing him." Yan Zong frowned and looked at Yun Xuanling. The appearance is very young and underestimates each other.

"Your brother didn't offend me, it's just that I don't like him." Yun Xuanling had already stopped walking at this moment, looking at Yan Zong with interest.

"In this case, don't blame me for being rude." Yan Zong was looking for a reason so that the other four major families would not seize the opportunity to laugh at their Star God family. He didn't care who was right and who was wrong. It was just what he wanted to say.

"Hypocrisy." Yun Xuanling sneered.

"Tarot, teach him a good lesson." He didn't rush to make a move, and let a few four-star mech gods go up to test the opponent's depth.

"Yes, master." The yellow mecha man named Tarot flew out respectfully, followed by the four mecha men.Everyone else flew backwards.

"Ah." Yun Xuanling stretched his waist, and continued: "I think you'd better retreat, don't come to die."

"Looking for death." Tarot said angrily, and then a huge yellow lightsaber melted in his hand, and slammed towards Yun Xuanling.

The huge lightsaber suddenly shone with a dazzling khaki-yellow light, very powerful.

"Bang." Suddenly, many onlookers were stunned, because Yun Xuanling blocked the giant sword with just one finger.

"It's still too weak." Yun Xuanling said with a sigh, and then flicked his fingers, and immediately bounced the giant sword away, and Tarot was also shocked back more than ten meters by the huge force from the sword.

"Hey, that black mecha man, I think you'd better let your subordinates stand down, they are not my opponents at all." Yun Xuanling shouted towards Yan Zong.

(End of this chapter)

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