Chapter 148 Mecha Storm ([-])

"You step back." Yan Zong also saw that the opponent was very strong, probably no worse than himself, and his purpose of probing had already been achieved, so there was no need for his men to sacrifice.

After Tarot and the others retreated, Yan Zongfei stepped forward, hanging 20 meters in front of Yun Xuanling, looking down at Yun Xuanling.

"Can you tell me your name, I, Yan Zong, a descendant of the star god family's branch in Tianhan Star." Yan Zong said holding a black giant sword.

"My name is Yunxuanling, okay, stop talking nonsense, let me show you the moves of your mech men." Yunxuanling said eagerly.

"Then I will be offended." Since he will definitely fight, there is no need to continue. Anyway, he has a reason. If it weren't for this in the city, he wouldn't find a reason, dare to offend the Star God family, and kill him directly. die.

"Luo Li is wordy, if you don't do it, I will do it first." Yun Xuanling curled his lips and said dissatisfied.

Then it turned into a giant long knife and slashed at Yan Zong.

'嗤嗤~" The whole body of the long knife exudes fiery red light, which is as dazzling as the scorching sun.

The two were so close that the fiery red sword slashed at Yan Zong in an instant.

Suddenly, a silver light curtain appeared in front of Yan Zong.

"Bang." There was a piercing sound from the light curtain.

Countless filaments instantly appeared on the light curtain.

"Chi Chi." The light curtain was shattered in an instant.

"Take my move." Yan Zong quickly retreated more than ten meters, then gripped the black lightsaber tightly with both hands, and slashed forward obliquely.


The space rippled layer by layer.

"Bang." The red long knife vibrated suddenly after touching the ripple.But he recovered in the blink of an eye, and continued to slash at Yan Zong unabated.

"It's okay?" Yan Zong was shocked, but the movements of his hands were not vague at all.

Looking at the fiery red long knife slashing towards him, feeling the pressure from above, Yan Zong flew up instantly, and then transformed into a photoion laser cannon with his left hand.

"Hoo." The fiery red long knife suddenly accelerated and flew upwards.

"Boom boom boom." Yan Zong fired continuously at the fiery red long knife with his left hand, and black beams of light shot at the fiery red long knife. Unfortunately, the speed of the fiery red long knife was too fast, and they were all avoided.

All the attacks hit the ground below, stone chips splashed everywhere, and huge round pits were blasted out of the ground.

"Chi." The speed of the fiery red long knife increased again, and it was in front of Yan Zong in an instant, and Yan Zong could not avoid it at this time.

"Clang." Yan Zong raised the black giant sword and slashed at the fiery red giant sword.

"The strength is good, but the speed is too slow." In an instant, the fiery red giant sword transformed by Yun Xuanling slashed out hundreds of swords, completely competing for strength.

On the other hand, Yan Zong was completely crushed and beaten. His strength was not much different from Yun Xuanling's, but his speed was far behind. At this time, there were many wounds on his body, but the wounds did not bleed. Lightning.

"Okay, Xiao Ling, stop making trouble, we should go." Wukong suddenly said via voice transmission.

"Hoo." Hearing this sentence, the fiery red sword immediately turned back to Wukong and the others and flew away.

In just a moment, the fiery red long knife transformed into Yun Xuanling and stood in front of Wukong.

"Brother Wukong, I haven't had enough fun yet." Yun Xuanling pouted and said.

"Stop messing around, we should go, and you will be there to play when we get there." Wukong said helplessly.

"What's the fun?" Yun Xuanling looked at Wukong with golden eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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