Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 149 The Holy Messenger

Chapter 149 The Messenger of the Holy World ([-])

"Anyway, it's much more fun than here." Zhuge Huanyu said immediately.

"Yeah, let's go, let's go, haha." Yun Xuanling cheered, as if a child was very happy when he got something he likes.

"Let's go." Wukong and others ignored Yan Zong and others, and disappeared with Tang Huanxing in a flash.

"Teleportation? How is it possible?" Yan Zong said in surprise.

"Brother, are you alright?" Yan Ziheng, Yan Zong's younger brother, asked anxiously at this time.

"It's okay, let's go back, remember, don't make trouble outside again, do you know that you almost killed us this time?" Yan Zong glared at Yan Ziheng and flew out of the city, followed by others superior.

"Brother Wukong, why did you bring this person with you?" Yun Xuanling looked at Tang Huanxing beside him and asked Wukong curiously.

"Second brother wants to accept him as an apprentice." Wukong laughed.

"What? Brother Huanyu, you want to take him in as an apprentice?" Yun Xuanling turned his head in surprise and asked Zhuge Huanyu on the right.

"That's right, when I was healing his wounds just now, I checked by the way, and he turned out to be a body of profound fire. Although he can't practice my "Xuan Yuan Mie Tian", he is very suitable for my "Sky Fire Killer". The body of the mysterious fire is a million years old in the upper realms of the four major civilizations
A rare genius, how could I not accept him as an apprentice? "Zhuge Huanyu laughed heartily.

"Hee hee, then congratulations brother Huanyu." Yun Xuanling congratulated you.

"Hehe." Zhuge Huanyu was also very happy in his heart, he didn't expect to accept an apprentice here by accident.

Several people flew in space for more than a month, and finally landed on a star.

As soon as Wukong and others entered this planet, they flew directly to Kia Peak, the highest peak of this Jingyu star.

The entire Kia Peak is as high as 6000 million meters high, covering an area of ​​2000 million miles. Kia Peak is above [-] meters above a layer of purple clouds, no one can enter the purple clouds and come out, even the powerful six-star mecha The powerhouses at the pinnacle of gods are no exception. Legend has it that
The mysterious and powerful Seven Star Mecha God Emperor lives on this mountain.But rumors are rumors, but no one has verified them.

"Whew." Wukong and the others ignored the purple clouds and flew directly to the top of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain there is a huge and luxurious palace covering an area of ​​[-] li.

"Guo Huaiyu, I'm Zhuge Huanyu, I don't want to come out to greet you." Zhuge Huanyu shouted directly at the palace.

"Okay, Zhuge Huanyu, in this lower realm, except for those envoys from the holy world, you are the only one who dares to talk to me like this." Afterwards, everyone heard a peaceful voice from the palace.

After that, a golden light and shadow appeared in front of the eyes, and after a while, it gradually became clear, and a young man in blue casual clothes appeared in front of everyone.

"Zhuge Huanyu, who are these?" In fact, Zhuge Huanyu discovered it just now when he first entered Kia Peak. At this time, he looked at everyone and was surprised to find that there was a person he couldn't see through, which made him feel very nervous. Shocked, "Could it be someone from the holy world

? ”

"Guo Huaiyu, this is my sworn elder brother Sun Wukong, this is my wife Shangguan Ruoxi, this is my friend Yun Xuanling, and this is my apprentice Tang Huanxing. Big brother, Ruoxi, this is It is Guo Huaiyu, the emissary of the holy world who is in charge of the Jijia Pavilion." Zhuge

Huanyu introduced to everyone one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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