Chapter 154 Mecha Pavilion ([-])
Only when there are ten days left, the road leading to the palace will be opened. Of course, this passage is not easy to enter.
Yes, only those with sufficient strength can pass through the passage below the mountain.

During these ten days, not only people from the Mecha God Realm came here to participate in the opening of the Mecha Pavilion, but also people from other levels of technological civilization, and even people from the upper realms of the other three major civilizations, including the Xiaoyao Devil Emperor Xu Tianxiao.

"Brother Tian Xiao, you are indeed here." Zhuge Huanyu went up to meet him and said with a smile.

"Haha, Huanyu, I promised you to come, how can I break my promise." Xu Tianxiao laughed.

There were a lot of people who came. On the first day of the opening of the Jijia Pavilion, the number of people was as high as 16. Among them, the peak level of Xianjun accounted for the vast majority, while only 130 people were at the level of Immortal Emperor, excluding Wukong and Zhuge. There are two people in the world.

"Genius, it's amazing that you can achieve such an achievement in such a short period of time. Huanyu, I really envy you for accepting such a good apprentice." Xu Tianxiao learned that Tang Huanxing was recruited by Zhuge Huanyu just two years ago. The apprentice said in surprise.

In more than two years, from an ordinary person who didn't even get started in cultivation to the late stage of Xianjun, how could Xu Tianxiao not be surprised, even Zhuge Huanyu didn't practice so fast back then.

"Haha, if you knew how he cultivated, you wouldn't be so surprised." Zhuge Huanyu laughed.

"How did he cultivate?" Xu Tianxiao asked curiously.

"He relied on taking pills, plus my brother and I guided him, and borrowed Guo Huaiyu's gravity space and virtual space to hone him. The most important thing is that he is a body of mysterious fire, and what he cultivates is mine. "Skyfire Lore" is not going to happen if you don't want it, but it's still
It mainly depends on this kid's perseverance. If he doesn't have great perseverance, he can't fully integrate the power of the elixir and use it perfectly. "Zhuge Huanyu is also very satisfied with his disciple.

"Well, indeed, with these conditions, it's really strange if he can't meet them, but thinking about it, he must have suffered a lot, otherwise it would be very difficult to achieve this in such a short period of time." Xu Tianxiao looked at Tang with approval. phantom star.

"Haha, I don't know whose disciple he is, how can he achieve great achievements after suffering a little bit." Zhuge Huanyu laughed.

Indeed, Tang Huanxing has indeed suffered a lot during this period, not only physically, but also mentally. He has been greatly tempered. If an ordinary person would have gone mad, but he persisted, so he got the current strength.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

"Everyone come to the hall of the apse." Guo Huaiyu's voice reached the ears of everyone in the palace.

The palace is divided into the front hall, the middle hall, the back hall and the inner hall. The front hall is where the six-star mecha god kings live, and the middle hall is where the seven-star mecha god emperors live. The apse is just a hall, which is very large. It is not a problem to accommodate 10 people, and Guo Huaiyu lives in the inner hall

There are also some important guests living there, such as Wukong and others, of course it is all thanks to Zhuge Huanyu.

But after a while, people from the front hall and middle hall came to the hall of the back hall one after another. At this time, Wukong and others were already in the hall of the back hall, including Xu Tianxiao, who of course also lived in the inner hall.

"Okay, everyone is here, now you are all divided into groups, and those who are equivalent to the peak level of the six-star mech king stand on the left, using this line as the boundary." Guo Huaiyu pointed to a long red line on the ground on the left. go.

(End of this chapter)

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