Chapter 155 Mecha Pavilion ([-])
The reason why it is said to be equivalent to a six-star mech king
Peak level, that's because it's not just people from Mecha God Realm here.

Then Yun Xuanling, Tang Huanxing and Shangguan Ruoxi walked to the left. Although Shangguan Ruoxi had already reached the peak of Xianjun, it was also with the help of pills, so she was mainly consolidating her strength in the past two years, and she was not in a hurry. Breakthrough, after all she and Yun Xuanling and Tang Huanxing
A group of three is safer than a group of one.Wukong, Zhuge Huanyu, and Xu Tianxiao were going to participate in the third group. If Shangguan Ruoxi broke through, he had to join the second group.

"Then those who reach the level of a seven-star mecha god emperor stand on the right, and those who reach the level of an eight-star mecha god stand on my side." Guo Huaiyu said again.

After a while, everything was sorted out. Wukong, Zhuge Huanyu and Xu Tianxiao were by Guo Huaiyu's side. Xu Tianxiao also hid his strength and did not ascend to the Holy Realm.

"They are all eight-star mecha gods? No wonder they are always beside the Holy Envoy." Someone below sighed softly.

"When will I reach the level of an eight-star mecha god?"

"If you are destined to reach the level of the seven-star mecha god emperor this time, let's talk about it."


"Quiet, follow me closely when you get there, don't wander around, or I won't be able to protect you, do you hear me?" Guo Huaiyu said coldly.

"I heard it." More than 2 people answered in unison.

"Okay, let's go." Just as Guo Huaiyu finished speaking, the surroundings of the hall suddenly became distorted, and the surrounding scene gradually blurred.

In just a second, everyone suddenly realized that they were no longer in the apse hall.

At this time, everyone was in a relatively large oval building, and the walls were all white.

"Follow me." Guo Huaiyu's voice reached everyone's ears again.

I saw Guo Huaiyu walking towards a semi-circular exit with a radius of six meters in front of everyone. Those who have been here will soon know what to do, and those who have not been here will pause for less than a second, and then follow superior.

After Wukong followed Guo Huaiyu out of the oval-shaped building, he saw a small space outside. Next to the oval-shaped building that Wukong and others came out of, there was a similar oval-shaped building. Compared with Wukong, people need
much less.

"Sixteen people, eleven of them are no less powerful than Xu Tianxiao, two of them are about the same strength as the second brother, and the others are about the same strength as Guo Huaiyu, so they should also need armed mechas." Wukong glanced and understood instantly. The general strength of those people.

"Hey, Guo Huaiyu, there are so many people coming to die over there again." The middle-aged man in a black suit who was the leader of the 16 said loudly.

What he said did not arouse the dissatisfaction of the people on Wukong's side. After all, what the person said was correct. The eyes of 16 people are still very reverent.certainly

Except Wukong and others.

"Cut, it's not up to you whether to die or not." Yun Xuanling contradicted directly.

"Hmph, kid, you're looking for death." The middle-aged man said coldly, a layer of black mecha covered his body in an instant, the size of a normal person, just like Guo Huaiyu's previous armor.

"Whoosh." "Bang."

Everything happened so suddenly, so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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