Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 156 Unexpected Harvest

Chapter 156 Unexpected Harvest ([-])

A black ray of light shot out instantly, and the black ray rushed halfway, but was blocked by a golden light, and bounced back more than ten meters.

"Who is it?" The middle-aged man said angrily to the right of the other 15 people.

"That's enough, Loisius. I brought them to the Mecha Pavilion. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing for you to kill them?" Guo Huaiyu said coldly to the middle-aged Loisius.

"Hmph, let's go, Guo Huaiyu, you wait." Loisius said coldly after regaining his human form. Before leaving, he glanced at the three Wukongs beside Guo Huaiyu. Guo Huaiyu was unarmed and couldn't stop him at all.

The only ones who could stop him just now were the eight-star mech gods, and the people on his side couldn't sneak attack him, only the three people beside Guo Huaiyu would stop him.

"It's so strong." The two of the 16 people who were as strong as Zhuge Huanyu said in surprise, because they didn't realize who made the move.

"No matter who you are, I will make you all pay the price. And you, Guo Huaiyu, don't shout at me just because your father is the Nine-Star Mecha God Emperor. It won't be long before the other three big families will deal with it Your family, your family is definitely doomed, when the time comes
I will make your life worse than death. Loisius thought hard in his heart.

"Let's go too." Guo Huaiyu said to everyone, and then walked towards a golden pavilion ahead.

More than 2 people marched mightily towards the golden pavilion.

In just one minute, everyone arrived in front of the golden pavilion.

Take a closer look at the golden pavilion, which is 20 meters high, has six floors in total, and covers an area of ​​only [-] square meters.

"This is the Jijia Pavilion." Wukong looked at the golden pavilion in front of him and thought to himself.

"Mecha Pavilion, I must have a seven-star mecha chip." A six-star mecha king said excitedly.

"The seven-star mech chip is mine." Another person also said in a low voice.

The sound of discussion is endless.


"Hmph, let's see if you survive to the end." Loisius said coldly, "Guo Huaiyu, let's get started."

"Okay." Guo Huaiyu replied.

I saw Guo Huaiyu and Loisius walking towards the door of the Jijia Pavilion, standing on the left and right sides of the door respectively.

Suddenly, a transparent light curtain appeared in front of each of them, with many numbers densely packed on it.

The two tapped it quickly with both hands at the same time, and after the two tapped, two transparent finger films appeared.

The two put their right hands up at the same time.

"Beep beep." Immediately, a light door appeared on the first floor, fourth floor and seventh floor.

"Now, those of you who are equivalent to the peak of the six-star Mecha God King enter the first floor, those who are equivalent to the seven-star Mecha God Emperor enter the fourth floor, and those of you who are equivalent to the eight-star Mecha God Venerable enter the seventh floor." Guo Huaiyu gave the order directly.

"Shh, shh, shhh." In an instant, eighteen figures rushed towards the seventh-floor light gate and hid inside.

"Ruoxi, Xiaoling, Xiaoxing, the three of you take good care of each other and don't allow any accidents." Zhuge Huanyu's voice rang in the minds of Shangguan Ruoxi and the others.

"Don't worry, we can take care of ourselves." "Yes, master." "Huanyu, you have to take care of yourself, don't worry, we'll be fine." The three of Yun Xuanling replied respectively.

"Xiao Ling, if there is any accident, remember to use the vellus hair I gave you." Wukong's voice also sounded in Yun Xuanling's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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