Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 157 Unexpected Harvest

Chapter 157 Windfall ([-])

"Understood, Brother Wukong." Yun Xuanling responded.

The least number of people entered the seventh floor, so they all went in quickly, followed by more than 100 people who entered the fourth floor, and finally the first floor.

Everyone entered in order within 10 minutes.

As everyone went in, the three light gates were also closed one by one.

"It turns out that there is another cave here." Wukong glanced around and thought to himself.

In front of Wukong and other 18 people are endless high-rise buildings. These high-rise buildings seem to be nothing, but in fact there are hidden murderous intentions inside.

"Let's go, let's hurry up and find the passage to the second floor. Be careful, everyone. I don't know how many eighth-level electronic commanders are here? This is their world. If we want to deal with them, we have to work together. In this way, we Have a chance to reach the next level.

" said a person covered in black clothes, only showing a pair of red eyes.

"That's right, what Ur said is right. Both of us are eighth-level electronic commanders, and we are very familiar with the abilities of eighth-level electronic commanders. In his territory, they have an advantage. They can play [-]% Strength, one can deal with the two of us, here

Since it is the seventh floor, it will definitely not be so easy for us to pass through. If we are not careful, some of us will die here.So we must be united, and we will each use our ability to seize the treasure when we reach the ninth floor. "The other man in black went on to say.

"Hmph, ignorance." A cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Master Yanlong, what do you think?" the man in black said respectfully.Obviously the man in black is very afraid of that Yanlong.

"Hmph, do you think the ninth floor is so easy to break through? Even the seventh floor is not so easy to break through. At least a quarter of the eighteen of us will die here. They won't let us unite Get up, so if we want to break through to the next level, only each

By ability. " Yan Long, who was wearing a red robe, said calmly.

"My elder brother and I have been here once before. Although the people who participated in the Mecha Pavilion are not allowed to disclose the inside things to outsiders after going out, we are now in this Mecha Pavilion, and we tell the secrets inside the Mecha Pavilion. It's okay too, so I'm older than me

Brother has the right to speak. "The other man in red robe said immediately.

These two people in red robes were the ones Wukong found out to be about the same strength as Zhuge Huanyu, and they seemed to be two brothers.

"Master Yanlong, Lord Yanxin, please tell me how to break into this Mecha Pavilion, we will listen to you." The black-robed man named Wuer said respectfully.

"That's right, Lord Yanlong, Lord Yanxin, we're all at your disposal." Several other people immediately echoed, but only Wukong ignored them and looked around.

Yan Long looked at the crowd very proudly, the 13 people all looked at Yan Long with a smile on their faces, looking very humble.

"Hmph, listen to us? I'm afraid you will fight desperately when you find the treasure, and then you won't listen to us." When Yan Long's eyes fell on the three of Wukong, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he thought to himself: "This The strength of the three of them seems to be at the level of an immortal emperor

, but those who can participate in the seventh floor are only at the level of immortal emperors. At least one of them is as strong as me. "

"Brother, do you really want to tell them?" Yan Xin sent a voice transmission to Yan Long.

(End of this chapter)

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