Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 158 Unexpected Harvest

Chapter 158 Unexpected Harvest ([-])
"Hmph, so what if I tell them? Just let them be the stepping stones for us to seize the treasure. If they have one more person to go to the next floor, we will have one more shield." Yan Long responded.

"Haha, big brother, then tell them, will those three still tell? Since they dare to ignore us." Yan Xin said ruthlessly.

"Tell me, how can you not tell me? Tell them all, let them get a feel for it now, and they will look good later." Yan Long replied.

"Yes, big brother." The voice transmission communication between the two was actually very short, only a second.

"Hehe, it's interesting, let me see what tricks you guys can come up with?" Wukong laughed inwardly.

The Yanlong brothers didn't know that they were plotting against a very powerful man, even if they used their spiritual sense to transmit the sound, they could still hear it with Wukong's ability.

"Well, I'll tell everyone that none of the people who have participated in the Jijia Pavilion can get the treasure on the ninth floor, and no one can reach the ninth floor and come out alive." Yan Long said lightly.

"What? No one can enter the ninth floor? Then what treasure do I have?" said one of the people with a pale face.

"Hmph, if you can't get the treasures on the ninth floor, it doesn't mean you can't get the treasures on the seventh and eighth floors." Yan Long snorted coldly.

"There are also treasures on the seventh and eighth floors?" the man in black robe asked before.

"Yes, there are also treasures on the seventh and eighth floors, but the treasures are not so easy to get, and even if we want to unite against the guardians, they will separate us and deal with them one by one, so you are ignorant, they But hiding in the dark, and I
They are in the clear, and their strength is no worse than ours. " Yan Long continued.

"Look, the three of them are gone." One of the men in Tsing Yi pointed to the three of Wukong and said.

"Leave them alone, they want to die, let them go." Yan Long glanced at the three of Wukong and said.

Wukong took Zhuge Huanyu and the two of them directly to the buildings in the city. Of course, he also heard what Yanlong and others were talking about, but he didn't care at all.

"Master Yanlong, what should we do then?" the one named Ur asked respectfully.

"Later, you pay attention to those buildings, try not to fly, and pay attention to your feet, follow us closely, don't get separated from us, and Ur and you two are responsible for detecting the location of the enemy's leader." Yanlong instructed road.

"Don't worry, Master Yanlong, as long as the guardians on this floor are the electronic commanders, as long as they send out brainwaves to control the city's electronic system to attack us, we will be able to detect it, and it will not be difficult to find their location then." Wu Earl assured.

"Okay then, let's go." Yan Long said lightly, a stern look flashed in his eyes, but no one noticed.

Afterwards, everyone marched into the city together. At this time, Wukong and the others had not been attacked and had already reached the streets in the city.

Wukong and the three soon came to a crossroads.

"Wukong, where should we go?" Zhuge Huanyu asked, his spiritual consciousness can reach up to 1000 meters here, and this city is very large, and a street is far more than a kilometer.

"Well, go to the right." Wukong's spiritual consciousness has already covered the entire seventh floor, so he naturally knows where the so-called treasures and those eighth-level electronic commanders are located. Wukong detected that there are ten eight-level electronic commanders in total.

(End of this chapter)

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