Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 159 Unexpected Harvest

Chapter 159 Unexpected Harvest ([-])

Wukong then led Zhuge Huanyu and Xu Tianxiao to turn to the right.

"They turned to the right, why didn't they get attacked?" Yan Xin said to Yan Long via voice transmission.

"Don't worry so much, let's be careful." Yan Long looked around cautiously.

"Master Yanlong, should we hurry up, those three people have already gone a long way, and they are all fine, it will be too late when the treasure is taken away by them." Ur said eagerly.

"Hmph, if you want to die, I won't stop you." Yan Long snorted coldly.

"This,,," Ur wanted to say something, but his companion made a gesture with his eyes, and then he stopped talking.

"Brother Wukong, since you know where the treasure is, why don't we just fly there?" Xu Tianxiao asked Wukong through voice transmission in doubt.

Wukong, who was walking in the front, replied without looking back: "I have the ability to lead you directly to the place where the treasures are stored, but how will the treasures be divided then? So I won't interfere, you two compete fairly, be careful Your surroundings and feet will do, don't

Lost to those behind. "

"Haha, don't worry, with your guidance, if we get the treasure first by them again, if we can't snatch them again, then our life will be in vain." Xu Tianxiao responded.

"Boom boom boom." The sound of fighting came from behind Wukong.

At this moment, Yanlong and the others were trapped in a sea of ​​flames, this fire was no ordinary fire, no matter what they did, they couldn't put it out.

In the sea of ​​flames, countless sharp knives suddenly appeared and flew towards everyone.

"Damn it, Ur, did the two of you find out where the guardian is?" Yanlong said to Ur while dodging the dense knives and fire dragons.

"Master Yanlong, we found out that there are four electronic commanders on the road that the three people walked just now, and they are the ones who manipulate these fire dragons and sharp knives." Ur said via voice transmission.

"Okay, let's break out over there, drink." Yan Long shouted, his body burst into light, and he leaped forward, directly turning the sharp knives and fire dragons in front of him into nothingness.

The others also quickly showed their skills and followed closely behind.

"There's a battle over there." Zhuge Huanyu said in surprise, looking at the soaring light behind him.

"I don't know what's going on?" Xu Tianxiao also stopped and looked into the distance.

"Let's go, if we don't go, we will be attacked in the next moment." Wukong said with a light smile, his lips curled up.

Wukong just finished speaking.


Suddenly, countless fire dragons and sharp knives rushed out of the ground around the three of Wukong, directly surrounding the three of Wukong.

"It's up to you next." Wukong soared into the sky, completely ignoring the fire dragons and sharp knives.

In the blink of an eye, Wukong rushed into the air and stayed in the void, looking down.

Wukong wants to take time off to watch the battle below, but those guardians don't want Wukong to be free.

Suddenly countless sharp knives and fire dragons rushed out of those buildings, denser than those below.

"It's really troublesome." Suddenly Wukong disappeared into the sky, and those fire dragons and sharp knives lost their target and directly attacked the people below.

Like rain, the rain of swords and fire dragons directly attacked the 17 people below.

Although these attacks are not strong enough individually, thousands of attacks at the same location will gradually weaken the defense there. Although everyone supports the defense to block the temporary attack, the continuous attack makes their defense gradually weaken. on the verge of breaking


(End of this chapter)

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