Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 160 Unexpected Harvest

Chapter 160 Windfall (V)

"Tian Xiao, are you alright, can you hold on?" Zhuge Huanyu sent a voice transmission to Xu Tianxiao.

The blue light on Xu Tianxiao's bodyguard gradually dimmed, and his speed also began to slow down.

"We can still hold on. Why are these attacks endless? We fought for a long time without even seeing the enemy. They are obviously fighting a war of attrition." Xu Tianxiao echoed after defeating the fire dragon in front of him.

"That's right, if we go on like this, we won't be able to find any treasures or passages leading to the eighth floor." Zhuge Huanyu also said distressedly.

"By the way, Tian Xiao, you expand the defense circle a little bit, you defend with all your strength, I attack with all your strength, we rush towards the guardians quickly, as long as we finish them off." Zhuge Huanyu said again through voice transmission.

"Okay, no problem." After Xu Tianxiao finished speaking, he moved closer to Zhuge Huanyu, and then stretched out the defense to cover both of them.

Xu Tianxiao defended with all his strength, and stopped attacking. The light of the blue aperture instantly brightened, and it didn't consume a lot of immortal power to expand it a little, but it was negligible.

And Zhuge Huanyu attacked with all his strength, and one attack could break through more fire dragons and sharp knives, which increased the speed of the two of them a lot.

Compared with Zhuge Huanyu and Zhuge Huanyu, the situation on Yanlong's side is obviously much better.

The main reason is that they have more people and their overall strength is much stronger, but they are not united enough. Although they are fast, they consume relatively fast energy.

"Let's go see what is the treasure on this floor first?" Wukong, who was hidden in the sky, thought to himself.

Then Wukong flew to the deepest part of the city.

"These things are disgusting, what are they?" Yun Xuanling frowned after burning a walking zombie in front of him.

"Xiao Ling, are you okay?" Shangguan Ruoxi asked with concern.

"It's okay, sister Ruoxi, you two should be careful too." Yun Xuanling said with a smile.

Just now when everyone came in, they found that they were all in a deserted city. When everyone entered the city one after another, a large number of zombies suddenly rushed out. These zombies were very fast, and the nails on their hands were long and sharp. people were stolen by this sudden

A fatal blow.Even after some people were bitten by them, within a short while, they became like them and began to bite the people around them.

The three of Yun Xuanling finally hid in a remote corner, and suddenly another zombie appeared. Fortunately, Yun Xuanling reacted quickly, and a red flame burned the zombie to ashes when it went out.

"Master, Uncle Yun, those creatures just now are biochemical zombies from the biochemical world, but these are not ordinary biochemical zombies. Their attack power and speed are not lower than ours, but they don't have much wisdom, and they can't attack from a long distance. Can fight physically. Strange?
Has the strength of a sixth-level zombie god, but has no wisdom, can't attack from a distance, and still looks like a low-level zombie in the lower realm. " Tang Huanxing said thoughtfully after explaining.

He had lived in the lower realm for a while and knew some information about zombies.

"Don't worry about them, as long as we move forward carefully, find the passage leading to the second floor and reach the next floor." Yun Xuanling said carelessly.

"That's right, since they don't have much wisdom, we should try our best to avoid fighting them and be careful." Shangguan Ruoxi nodded and analyzed.

(End of this chapter)

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