Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 163 Unexpected Harvest

Chapter 163 Windfall (VIII)

"What? It's only been more than 1000 years, and Huanyu's aptitude is already extremely high. Judging from the strength you showed just now, you definitely have the strength above that of a holy general. It's really amazing. I have been practicing for nearly 10 years, and I have the power of the Holy Spirit." Strength, I, Xu Tianxiao, can get acquainted with the two of you

It is my great fortune to be friends with people. "Xu Tianxiao said emotionally.

"Hehe, by the way, how are the levels of your holy world divided?" Wukong asked, changing the subject.

"That's right, Tian Xiao, I'm not very clear about the division of the holy world, please tell us." Zhuge Huanyu also asked doubtfully.

"Huh? Huanyu, can't you? You have a good relationship with those holy envoys, why don't you know?" Xu Tianxiao was surprised.

"Hey, am I not in a hurry to go to the holy world? That's why I didn't ask about the holy world." Zhuge Huanyu laughed.

"Oh, the lowest division of the holy world is our current level: the holy spirit level, and above that are holy generals, holy kings, holy emperors, holy emperors, and the legendary holy gods." Xu Tianxiao explained.

"Well, I don't know how the holy god of the holy world compares with the heavenly way of the prehistoric universe?" Wukong thought secretly.

"By the way, big brother, why did you suddenly fight with those guardians?" Zhuge Huanyu asked in confusion.

"Actually, I got the treasure on this floor, so all those guardians came to attack me." Wukong laughed.

"Treasure? Brother, what kind of treasure is it?" Zhuge Huanyu suddenly asked with his eyes brightened.

Xu Tianxiao also looked at Wukong with wide eyes, waiting for his answer.

I saw Wukong spread his right hand forward, revealing a square chip.

"Chip? I don't know what it does?" Zhuge Huanyu said a little disappointed.

"Chips are really useless to us. I heard that people with technological civilization are at the highest level in the holy world, which is the level of holy generals." Xu Tianxiao said with emotion.

"The highest level is only the level of a holy general, so why are there still some cultivators and civilized people coming to this Jijia Pavilion?" Wukong asked suspiciously.

"I'm not very clear about this either." Xu Tianxiao shook his head and said.

"Oh, let's not talk about this, let's go to the eighth floor." After speaking, Wukong put the chip away, and then flew to the right.

Zhuge Huanyu and the two looked at each other, and then followed.

Soon after, the three of Wukong came to a separate iron house.

"Is the passage here?" Xu Tianxiao asked excitedly.

"Yes, let's go in." After speaking, Wukong led Zhuge Huanyu to open the door of the iron house and walked in.

"Wow." A ray of light flashed, and the scene in front of Wukong and the three of them all changed.

At this time, Wukong and the others were standing on a small island with strange rocks, without a single tree, but huge stones.

The island is surrounded by an endless ocean.

As soon as Wukong reached the eighth floor, he stretched out his consciousness, covering the entire island in an instant.

"There are over ten thousand guardians on this island. The treasure is at the southernmost part of the island. Let's get the treasure and go to the next level." Wukong said to Zhuge Huanyu and the others.

"Okay, everything is up to you." Zhuge Huanyu and the two replied.

Wukong directly used the holy power of Douzhuan to envelop the two of them, one dodged, and a stream of light rushed straight to the south of the island.

The figures of Wukong and the three of them only stayed in the place where the treasure was stored for a moment, and when they got the treasure, they immediately flew to the passage leading to the next floor, without any love for fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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