Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 164 Unexpected Harvest

Chapter 164 Unexpected Harvest ([-])


"This is the ninth floor? Haha, we have come to the ninth floor." Zhuge Huanyu laughed loudly.

"Bang." As soon as the three of Wukong appeared on the ninth floor, countless phantoms flew from all directions in an instant.

In an instant, a golden mask was erected in front of Wukong and the three of them, blocking all attacks.

"Hey, why are there so many people?" Zhuge Huanyu exclaimed.

Looking at it at a glance, the dark area is full of people, completely surrounding Wukong and the three of them.

"At least a million people?" Xu Tianxiao also opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"That's right, even a holy general can't resist a group attack of this scale! Brother, you can resist it so easily, it seems that you are at least at the level of a holy king!" Zhuge Huanyu said loudly.

"Holy king, you are already considered a strong man in the holy world, but it's still far away for me!" Xu Tianxiao said with emotion.

"What a great handwriting." Wukong looked at the darkness in front of him and whispered.

"What?" Zhuge Huanyu and Xu Tianxiao asked at the same time.

"These people are all puppets. I checked just now, and the total number of people here has reached 1000 million." Wukong said slowly.

"What? 1000 million people? Even if the Holy General is facing the collective attack of these people, he can only escape. Maybe he can't even escape. No wonder no one can break into the ninth floor." Zhuge Huanyu exclaimed.

"There's no comparison at all. People of our level are only at the bottom of the holy world. In the eyes of those strong people, we're probably no different than these puppets." Xu Tianxiao said with emotion.

"Come on, let's go directly to take out the treasure, and then stay here for a full year." As soon as Wukong finished speaking, he took Zhuge Huanyu and the two to fly deep.

Same as before on the eighth floor, Wukong easily obtained the treasure on the ninth floor.

On the seventh floor at this time, Yanlong and others were still looking for treasures there.

"Yan Xin, there's no need to search, let's go to the eighth floor." Yan Long suddenly stopped searching and said to Yan Xin on the right.

"Why? Brother, the treasure hasn't been found yet." Yan Xin asked suspiciously.

"The treasure is definitely gone. We've been searching for so long, have you found those three people who came up from the lower realm?" Yan Long said with a frown.

"Huh? Didn't see it, could it be..." Yan Xin suddenly realized.

"The treasure must have been taken by those three people. They may have made the spiral aura before. Maybe they have some powerful magic weapon on them. Come on, let's go to the eighth floor quickly. The treasures on the seventh floor were also taken away by them
, then we must kill them. " Yan Long said with a fierce look in his eyes.

"But, big brother, their treasures are so strong, can we deal with them?" Yan Xin said puzzled.

"Hmph, don't they still exist? Sacrifice them, we can sneak attack." Yanlong's eyes flashed a fierce light.

"Quack, big brother, then let's go to the eighth floor." Yan Xin smiled knowingly.But this smile looks so wicked.

Then the two Yanlong brothers called everyone over, and made up some nonsense, saying that they saw the three Wukongs snatching the treasure and fled to the eighth floor. As for the strange treasures on the three Wukongs they guessed, they didn't say anything.

"The one on the eighth floor is a bottle of potion, and the one on the ninth floor is also a chip." Wukong sat cross-legged in the golden light circle and looked at the treasure in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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