Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 165 Five Lines of Holy Armor

Chapter 165 Five Elements Sacred Armor ([-])

"I don't know what these are useful for. I have to go out and ask Guo Huaiyu." Zhuge Huanyu said helplessly.

"Wukong, are we going to stay here like this for a year?" Xu Tianxiao looked at the outside of the golden mask and said, there were a large number of mechamen outside, and zombies and electronic commanders kept attacking the golden mask.

The brilliance of the sky kept hitting the golden light mask, but it regretted not moving the golden light mask at all.

"No, I will put a few puppets in for you to practice, otherwise you will come in for nothing, and these treasures will be used as prizes. Whoever kills the most puppets among you will be rewarded with these treasures. I also said before that I will not Those who compete with you for these treasures are just
Changed previous plans. "Wukong smiled.

"Okay, that's fine. Otherwise, it's really useless to wait here for a year. It's good to use them to give us some combat experience." Zhuge Huanyu agreed.

"I have no objection, but I don't need treasures. You can create a chance for us to fight these puppets alone to gain experience. After all, if we are besieged by so many puppets, we have no ability to fight back, let alone say to increase combat experience
Tested. " Xu Tianxiao said.

"I don't want that treasure anymore. I don't like high-tech things. Besides, didn't Tian Xiao say that before, those who are technologically civilized are at the highest level in the holy world, and their treasures are definitely not that strong. It's useless to ask for it, so I see these are still
Give it to my apprentice after he goes out. He is also a member of the technologically civilized world, and his current strength is too weak. These things are more useful to him than to us here. "Zhuge Huanyu said with a smile.

"Well, that's right, the reason I came here is also because of your invitation, and I'm not very interested in the treasures here, so I think it's better for Huanyu's disciples." Xu Tianxiao echoed.

"Hehe, well, since you all said that, we will give it to Xiaoxing after we go out. Now, you all get ready to fight." Wukong nodded and said.

"Let's get started, big brother (Wukong)" the two said at the same time.

"Okay." The golden circle of light surrounding the three of Wukong suddenly expanded outwards, and then divided into three masks, separating the three of them.

Among them, the golden mask where Wukong is located only covers an area of ​​five square meters, while the golden mask where Zhuge Huanyu and Xu Tianxiao are located covers an area of ​​[-] square meters.

Afterwards, the mask where Zhuge Huanyu and Xu Tianxiao were located instantly sucked in ten puppets each.

"These puppets are not as strong as you, and they have no wisdom, so for the first time, each of them will hit ten, and then there will be more each time, and only when they reach your limit, will they be useful to you." Wukong's voice came to Zhuge Huanyu In the minds of the two of them.

Zhuge Huanyu and the two nodded, and then rushed to the puppet to start a close combat.

Time passed by little by little, and it has been a hundred days since Wukong and others entered the Jijia Pavilion.

Zhuge Huanyu and Xu Tianxiao would fight those puppets every day, and the number of puppets today is one-fifth less than before, and Zhuge Huanyu and Xu Tianxiao have also made breakthroughs in the battle during this period, and now Zhuge Huanyu can fight six hundred puppets at the same time. puppets fight while Xu
Tian Xiao could fight a hundred puppets at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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