Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 166 Five Lines of Holy Armor

Chapter 166 Five Elements Holy Armor ([-])

"Hoohoo, Huanyu, you've made great progress during this time, and the distance between me and you is getting bigger and bigger." Xu Tianxiao said to Zhuge Huanyu who was resting just after finishing the puppet.

"Haha, you are not bad either. Now your strength is not weaker than when I first came in, and your progress is not small." Zhuge Huanyu said with a smile.

"I really don't understand whether you are praising me or hurting me?" Xu Tianxiao said with a serious face.

"Hey, Tian Xiao, it's not that you don't understand me. I'm straight when I speak, and you don't need to compare with me. You should compare with yourself. Compared with your previous progress, your current progress is already very fast , to challenge others, you must first challenge yourself.

You don't need to think too much, you see that my eldest brother's talent is much stronger than mine, do I have to be obsessed with it?That would only lead you astray and backfire. "Zhuge Huanyu laughed.

"Hehe, I didn't think too much about it, just to give a general idea. Of course I won't compete with you. You can't rush for quick success in cultivation. You are right. To challenge others, you must first challenge yourself." Xu Tianxiao said.

On the other hand, Wukong was practicing with his eyes closed, only to see a faint golden light spot appearing on the surface of Wukong's body.

"My nine-turn holy power is more pure than before, and the first turn of the new round is about to achieve great success, haha, as long as the first turn reaches great success, becoming a saint is not far away." Wukong said happily in his heart.

"Brother, I can start fighting, this time it is 610." Every time Zhuge Huanyu wanted to increase the number of puppets, he added ten more, and he usually only fought about five times with the same number of puppets before starting a new limit challenge, according to him
Only in this way can the potential be further stimulated. As long as you fight with the same number of puppets, you can start a new challenge if your injury level is below 60.00%, and the number of puppets must be increased, because adding one or two will not have much effect.

"Okay." Wukong replied, and then 610 puppets were sucked into the mask where Zhuge Huanyu was.

Wait, isn't Wukong practicing?Wouldn't Zhuge Huanyu and the others start fighting every time it would affect Wukong's cultivation?
Looking at Wukong again, it turns out that Wukong has been cultivating all the time, and the one who answered Zhuge Huanyu just now is just an incarnation of Wukong's illusion, and Wukong's deity has been sitting cross-legged and practicing there.

Both Zhuge Huanyu and Wukong are practicing, of course Wukong also needs to practice, but these puppets can't let him experience the situation on the verge of life and death, so he has to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth by himself, and Wukong also needs to study the laws of heaven and earth now.

What he is studying is the law of metal and earth attributes of the same attribute as himself, so Wukong transformed into an avatar to help Zhuge Huanyu and the other two inhale the puppets, and his own self began to comprehend and practice.

At this time on the eighth floor, Yanlong and others are still looking for Wukong and the other three.

"What's going on? After searching for so long, why haven't you found the three of them? And the treasure on this floor has not been found, so they have to leave again, and they have reached the ninth floor?" Hiding underground Yan Xin sent a voice transmission to Yan Long.

During this period of time, only four of the fifteen of them remained, and more than 4000 of the tens of thousands of zombies on the eighth floor were eliminated by them. This was mainly because those zombies were not intelligent and scattered.

(End of this chapter)

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