Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 167 Five Lines of Holy Armor

Chapter 167 Five Elements Sacred Armor ([-])

However, this dispersion is only relative to the total number of zombies on the entire eighth floor. Generally, more than 100 are in one area, but the distance between each area is also very short. A large number of zombies attack from the area


"Look again, they should not dare to go to the ninth floor, the three of them came from the lower realm, no matter how strong they are, it's just that they have strange treasures, let's search carefully." Yan Long replied.

"Brother, could it be that they are already dead and eaten by those zombies?" Yan Xin said again through voice transmission.

"Huh? It's not easy to confirm. We can't go to the ninth floor with our strength. In short, we will continue to look for it." Yan Long thought.

"Okay, big brother." After speaking, Yanlong and the others continued to carefully search for Wukong and the others.

Time passed quickly, and now there are only three hours left in one year.

"Why? Now we have searched all over the seventh and eighth floors, but why can't we find them and the treasures? Could it be that they have really reached the ninth floor?" Yan Long stood on a hanging rock on the eighth floor and said angrily .

"Brother, it's impossible, they couldn't reach the ninth floor, maybe they really died somewhere on the eighth or seventh floor." Yan Xin said with a glimmer of hope.

"That's right, Lord Yanlong, those three people from the lower realm will definitely not survive. Now there are only four of us left among the 15 of us, and there are only three of them. They must not survive." The four who survived at this time Ren is the strongest four among the 15, including Yanlong,

The two brothers Yanxin, Yue Tian from the world of technological civilization and Clyde from the world of magic civilization.And the guardians on the eighth floor have all been wiped out by the Yanlong four, and now it is Clyde from the magical civilization world who is speaking.

"Master Yanlong, if they are not dead, it is not difficult to avoid us with their strength. Anyway, there are only a few hours left before they leave. After they go out, they will know whether they are alive. If they are alive, when they arrive when we take what's on them again

The treasure is not too late. "Yue Tian of the world of technological civilization analyzed.

"Well, wait a little longer." Yan Long nodded and said.

If Yanlong and the others dared to go to the ninth floor to take a look, they would definitely not plan on Wukong and the other three.

At this time, there was no guardian on the ninth floor, and they had all been killed by Zhuge Huanyu and Xu Tianxiao, and their strength had also increased greatly.

"Wow, I still haven't made a breakthrough in this first turn, but I have learned a lot about the law of gold and the law of earth during this period of time. Now even if I face an ordinary saint, I am sure to defeat or even kill him." Wukong thought to himself. road.

Three hours passed quickly.

"Chi." A misty cyan light flashed in the sky, and within a moment, a door of light appeared in the sky not far from Wukong and the others.

"It's time, big brother, Tian Xiao, we should go." Zhuge Huanyu stopped practicing, got up and said.

"Yeah." Wukong also stood up, nodded and said.

Then the three of them flew towards the light gate and hid in it.

After the three of Wukong hid in the light gate, they appeared outside the Jijia Pavilion the next moment. At this time, Guo Huaiyu and Loisius were already waiting outside.

"Haha, Wukong, how are you guys coming out? Did you get the treasure?" Guo Huaiyu walked forward and said hello.

(End of this chapter)

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