Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 169 Five Lines of Holy Armor

Chapter 169 Five Elements Sacred Armor ([-])

Afterwards, the same as when they came, everyone instantly shifted to Kia Peak on Jingyu Xingxing in Mecha God Realm in the oval building.

After the others left one after another, Wukong and others followed Guo Huaiyu to the inner hall.

"Brother Guo, I don't know these treasures, but do you know their function and origin?" Wukong didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point, spreading his right hand, and transformed the three treasures obtained in the Jijia Pavilion.

"Ah? You got three treasures, did you go to the ninth floor?" Guo Huaiyu was shocked when he saw a bottle of potion and two chips in Wukong's hand.

"Hehe, that's right." Wukong smiled.

"Brother Wukong, you got three treasures, we got one on the third floor, and we didn't know until the end that there were also treasures on the first and second floors, but they were stolen by others. It's quick enough." Yun Xuanling said dejectedly.

"It's not bad to get one, you have to be content, anyway, the treasures here are useless to you, the main thing is to increase your knowledge." Wukong said with a smile.

"Hey, that's right, we all have breakthroughs. Sister Ruoxi and I have both reached the level of Immortal Emperor, and Xiao Xing is much stronger than before." Yun Xuanling smiled happily.

"No wonder the three of you can reach the third level. It turns out that two of you have broken through. Wukong, the three of you have reached the ninth level. Could it be that some of you have also broken through the big realm?" Guo Huaiyu asked suspiciously.

"There is no breaking through the big realm, but there is some progress. Let's see what are these three treasures first?" Wukong said to Guo Huaiyu.

"Okay, let me take a look." Guo Huaiyu did not continue to ask, but he was more sure that Wukong's strength must be very strong at this time, as for those who are above the level of holy generals.

"And ours, Xiao Xing, take out that chip." Yun Xuanling shouted suddenly.

"En." Tang Huanxing nodded in response, then took out a chip and handed it to Guo Huaiyu.

"Hmm." Guo Huaiyu took over the four treasures and started testing them. He looked at them for a while, and then used some instruments to detect them.

"The chip that Xiao Ling and the others got is a blue star chip that can directly advance to the seven-star mecha god emperor. This chip is divided into seven grades: red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. The two-star mech warrior, the highest-ranked purple star

The chip can make a person directly promoted to an eight-star mech god.However, although these can easily allow people to advance, and reduce the procedures for comprehending a large number of mecha principles and absorbing a large amount of energy, the requirements are also very high, and they must have sufficient physical endurance, otherwise they will explode.
body and die. "Guo Huaiyu first introduced the blue chip that Yun Xuanling and the others got.

"Is there such a chip? I've never heard of it." Tang Huanxing whispered.

However, none of the people present were ordinary people, and their hearing was naturally extraordinary. Although Tang Huanxing spoke in a low voice, everyone still heard him.

"You haven't heard that this is normal. This kind of chip can only be developed by the holy world. No one in the three major god realms of technological civilization can develop it. However, there are still a small number of people from the holy world to these three gods. But it is also very rare for the strong to know the existence of this kind of chip. You have just come from the lower realm not long ago, and of course it is even more impossible to know.

"Guo Huaiyu said with a smile. After more than two years of getting along, he knew that Tang Huanxing had just come up from the lower realm not long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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