Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 170 Five Lines of Holy Armor

Chapter 170 Five Elements Sacred Armor ([-])

"It's no wonder that some people from the other three major civilizations entered the Mecha Pavilion. With the physical strength of the people of the other three major civilizations, they can indeed use this kind of chip to strengthen their strength. If they can get more of these chips, they can directly Create a large number of powerful minions.

" Xu Tianxiao suddenly realized.

"Guo Huaiyu, what are these three treasures we got?" Zhuge Huanyu asked.

"You are lucky this time, these three are real treasures! And if you can collect one set, you will have a strength comparable to that of a holy king. The strength in the holy world is divided into holy spirit, holy general, holy King, Holy Emperor, Holy Emperor, Holy God." Guo Huaiyu continued

"Haha, we already know the division of the holy world, why don't you hurry up and tell me what this treasure is?" Zhuge Huanyu said in surprise.

Except for Wukong who was not moved, everyone else was shocked, especially the three Yun Xuanling who didn't know the level division of the holy world, and were even more surprised.

"Haha, let me continue. I also learned about this kind of treasure from my father. If I can collect a complete set of this kind of treasure, it will have the strength comparable to that of the Holy Emperor. This bottle of potion is the top-level five-element biochemical holy water. It can Transform the flesh, this holy water the whole holy world
There are only fifty bottles, ten bottles for each of the five elements.This white chip is the top wood spirit electronic chip, which records the top water spirit electronic technology, and it is only 50 yuan in the entire holy world, ten yuan for each attribute.And this golden chip is the legendary Golden Spirit Armor
, This kind of holy armor is divided into five sets in total, which are divided into gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements holy armor. It was invented according to the five elements holy armor in the legend of the holy world.The five-element holy armor must be combined with the corresponding five-element biochemical holy water and five-element electronic chips to form a complete five-element holy armor.the whole holy world

There are only five chips of this kind, one for each of the five elements.There are only one hundred and five pieces in total, and I didn't expect to see three of them today. "Guo Huaiyu became more and more excited as he talked.

"In other words, the corresponding attributes must be collected to be useful, and our three items are useless." Zhuge Huanyu asked.

"No, all of these can be used, but they can't exert a complete set of power. If this mecha is armed, it can only exert 60.00% of its power, and the biochemical holy water can indeed transform the body 100%, and the electronic chip can indeed learned the above

All electronic technology. "Guo Huaiyu explained.

"The Five Elements Armor you just mentioned was developed based on the legendary Five Elements Armor, so what is the Five Elements Armor?" Wukong is more interested in the Five Elements Armor.

"Five Elements Holy Armor! That is the legend of the entire holy world. It is said that if you can gather all the Five Elements Holy Armor, you will become the supreme Holy God." Guo Huaiyu said yearningly.

"Holy God? By collecting all the holy armors of the Five Elements, can you reach the level of the legendary Holy God?" Xu Tianxiao asked in surprise.

"That's right, the five-element holy armor is amazing. It's not so easy to gather all the five-element holy armor. According to legend, every generation of holy gods is made by collecting the five-element holy armor. The holy emperor is You can’t reach the holy god by yourself.” Guo Huaiyu replied

"The Holy Emperor can't cultivate to the Holy God by himself?" Zhuge Huanyu asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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