Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 176 Wukong Sanctification

Chapter 176 Wukong's Sanctification ([-])

And I can't see through the other party, so it's not an exaggeration to call him a senior.

"Hehe, let's sit down and talk." The young man in purple said with a smile.

Wukong nodded, and then sat down on the third stone stool.

"Second Brother, what's going on?" Wukong asked Zhuge Huanyu who was standing beside the stone table through sound transmission while Wukong was sitting on the stone stool.

"Brother, sit down first, I will explain to you later." Zhuge Huanyu echoed, and also sat down.

After Wukong sat down, the young man in purple didn't speak immediately, but looked at Wukong with a smile, and Wukong didn't speak immediately, but also looked at the young man in purple.

"Master, brother, why don't you speak?" Zhuge Huanyu said suddenly.

"Hehe, what do you want to know?" The young man in purple smiled.

"Senior, I want to know the situation of this Jijia Pavilion." Wukong asked directly, without beating around the bush.

"Haha, straightforward enough." The young man in purple laughed.

"Yeah, master, you didn't tell me anything just now, what's going on? Why are you here? And what happened to the people who came in this Jijia Pavilion before?" Zhuge Huanyu asked suspiciously .

"Hehe, that's good, I'll tell you about it." The purple-clothed young man paused and continued, "Actually, I'm the Holy Spirit who came to the Holy Realm. As for the scar of the sky, it can be said that it was created for you."

"Holy God? Created for me?" Zhuge Huanyu muttered to himself as his brain buzzed.

"That's right, this Sky Scar was originally intended to be passed on to my disciples. Since you are my only disciple, of course it was passed on to you. This Sky Scar is a Holy Spirit Treasure I got. The grades of magic weapons are low-grade sacred artifacts, middle-grade sacred artifacts, and high-grade sacred artifacts.
The holy artifact, the best sacred artifact, is the Holy Spirit Treasure in the end.All the people who came here before lost themselves in the illusion of the sky in the trace of the sky, and disappeared.I have been waiting for you here for so many years, and you have finally come here, and you have also brought a

The genius of fantasy.Haha, I am very happy to be a teacher. "The young man in purple laughed heartily.

"Sure enough, it is the Holy Spirit. The feeling he gave me is similar to that of the Supreme Saint. He is not as good as the Taoist ancestor. Is the Holy Spirit comparable to the saint?" Wukong thought in his heart.

"Wow, master, you are actually the legendary Holy God. I heard that there are only two Holy Gods a while ago. Is this true?" Zhuge Huanyu asked.

"Haha, it can be said that there are two holy gods, or there are not two." The young man in purple laughed.

"Master, why is this?" Not only Zhuge Huanyu was puzzled, but Wukong was also curious.

"Because I am not included in the two holy gods that everyone knows, I became a holy god independently by myself, not by collecting all the fragments of the holy god Lingbao." The young man in purple explained.

In the depths of Hongmeng, there are also three people sitting around a stone table to communicate. These three people are the three mysterious people who have been paying attention to Wukong.

"This Xiao Hanyu originally thought that he could comprehend the mysteries of the universe, break through the shackles of the universe, and become the fourth Primordial Master. But he didn't expect that he could break through to the Holy God with his own ability, but he failed to comprehend the mysteries of the universe. It is a pity to break through the shackles of the universe." One of the young people in blue said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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