Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 177 Wukong Sanctification

Chapter 177 Wukong is Sanctified ([-])

"So I gave him a Holy Spirit Treasure, but what I didn't expect was that he actually gave it to his apprentice now. He has an extraordinary bearing! His apprentice is also a person whose fate cannot be calculated by us. I don't know his Can the apprentice become the fourth grandmist master?" the man in blue continued.

"Brother, third brother, it seems that this is getting more and more interesting. This Xiao Hanyu is a person who cannot calculate his fate, and his apprentice is also a person who cannot calculate his fate. Now even his disciples and grandchildren are too. There are so many people who cannot calculate their fate." We have never seen each other before." Another
A young man in Tsing Yi immediately spoke.

"Haha." The middle-aged man in the last cloth just smiled heartily, but didn't say much.

In fact, these three people did not understand Xiao Hanyu's words, Xiao Hanyu's words had other meanings, of course, even if they carefully scrutinized, they still didn't know where the problem was, it was beyond their knowledge.

Just after the middle-aged man in cloth clothes finished speaking, suddenly, the three of them stopped moving at all, and even the primordial aura flowing in the primordial realm stopped functioning, as if time was suspended.

This is not only the case in Hongmeng, even the time of the universe where Wukong is is suspended. In fact, all the universes controlled by those three people have stopped functioning.

But there are exceptions.

At this moment, Xiao Hanyu raised his head slowly, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he smiled strangely. Although Xiao Hanyu made this movement, Zhuge Huanyu didn't notice it, as if Xiao Hanyu didn't move, but Wukong saw it, and that was because of Zhuge Huanyu. neither can the universe
Moved, but Wukong can still move.

"Huh?" Wukong looked at this scene suspiciously, at this time Wukong was surprised to find that Zhuge Huanyu seemed to have stopped moving.

"Second brother, second brother." Wukong immediately sent a voice message to Zhuge Huanyu, but just as Wukong was worried, Zhuge Huanyu was unconscious.
"Boom." Wukong's clothes swelled up in an instant, and a monstrous aura came out suddenly. Wukong pulled Zhuge Huanyu and retreated quickly, and the stone table and stone bench were also at the moment Wukong left. It burst open suddenly.

I saw stone chips flying around, but Xiao Hanyu was not affected at all. Those stone chips couldn't get close to Xiao Hanyu's body at all, and there was a faint layer of transparent light covering Xiao Hanyu's body.

"Sun Wukong, you are really strong enough to catch up with the saint." Xiao Hanyu stood up and said with a smile.

"What? Who are you? How do you know a saint?" Wukong said coldly after standing a hundred meters away. At this time, Wukong's power was raised to the maximum, and he was staring at Xiao Hanyu. He was not sloppy at all, and his whole body was on guard.

"Haha, of course I'm the master of Huanyu, who else can I be? As for how to know a saint, you can take my trick first, and I'll tell you later, how about it?" Xiao Hanyu seemed to melt into the heaven and the earth, exuding a majestic atmosphere all over his body the power of heaven and earth.

"Okay, I'll take your move, but I need to arrange the second brother to a safe place first." Wukong responded readily.

"You don't need to say, I will also ask you to place him in a safe place. You can arrange him in the stone house behind me. That stone house is transformed from a treasure of defense against chaos, which can completely protect the universe." Xiao Hanyu He pointed to the stone house behind him and said.

"Can I trust you?" Wukong said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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