Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 178 Wukong Sanctification

Chapter 178 Wukong's Sanctification ([-])

"Haha, it's very easy for me to kill you, and of course I won't play such a boring game with you." As soon as Xiao Hanyu finished speaking, Wukong suddenly felt that he couldn't move.

"How is it? Can't move anymore, can you believe that I won't hurt Huanyu now?" Xiao Hanyu smiled and said.

Wukong was very shocked at this time. Now he finally understood that the person in front of him was by no means inferior to Tiandao Honghuang, or even stronger. It was a breeze to kill himself now.

"Okay, I'll just believe you this time." Wukong calmed down instantly. As soon as the words fell, Wukong found that he could move again, so he took Zhuge Huanyu to teleport to the stone house in an instant, and then walked in. After a while, Wukong walked away again. out.

Immediately Wukong walked a hundred meters away from Xiao Hanyu, and stood facing Xiao Hanyu.

"Let's start." Wukong said lightly, and then circulated the nine-turn holy power all over his body, only to see a layer of golden cyclone spinning around Wukong.

"Then I'm going to make a move, pay attention." I saw a super large purple light ball suddenly appearing in the sky above Xiao Hanyu, with a diameter of about ten meters.

From the outside, it can be seen that there are countless air currents rotating inside the purple light ball, which is strange and powerful.

Ever since the purple light ball appeared, Wukong felt a powerful force emanating from it, which put pressure on Wukong, and Wukong suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

Wukong is also unambiguous. He uses the nine-turn holy power to concentrate on defending the soul. For his physical defense, Wukong only allocates a small amount of nine-turn holy power for defense. Wukong still has confidence in his physical defense.

"Accepted." Xiao Hanyu said suddenly.

I saw the purple ball of light moving towards Wukong slowly, seemingly slowly, but in fact it was very fast. In less than a second, the purple light ball reached the air less than five meters away from Wukong, which was very strange.

Wukong's hands were fast crossed and changed in front of his chest, and his lips moved slightly.

"Drink." Just when the purple light ball was less than half a meter away from Wukong, Wukong suddenly shouted, and Wukong punched out with both fists.

"Boom." Wukong blocked the purple ball of light abruptly with his fists.

"Roar." Suddenly, two [-]-meter giant dragons emerged from Wukong's body, and the two golden dragons roared and entwined towards the purple light ball.

"What's going on? His attack is just a pure physical attack. There is nothing special about it. It's just that the energy is amazing. It's not that difficult to break it." Wukong thought to himself.

After the two golden dragons entangled the purple light ball, Wukong immediately retracted his hands, then straightened his hands, facing each other with palms facing each other, and slowly closed them together.

I saw that the two golden dragons were also slowly squeezing the purple light ball inward. At this time, the purple light ball was completely surrounded by the two golden dragons, and the purple light ball could not be seen from the outside at all.

The distance between Wukong's hands is less than one decimeter at this time, and the circle surrounded by the golden dragon has also shrunk by two times. At this time, it is difficult for Wukong's hands to close together again.

"The energy is too strong, I can't squeeze it anymore, I have to destroy it." Wukong thought to himself.

"Puchi." Wukong's hands suddenly joined together, and the circle around the two golden dragons in the sky shrunk several times in an instant.

"What's going on?" Wukong asked in surprise.

"Haha, not bad." At this moment, Xiao Hanyu's voice reached Wukong's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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