Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 180 Wukong Sanctification

Chapter 180 Wukong's Sanctification ([-])

In Xiao Hanyu's view, although Wukong's talent is extremely high, his comprehension and perception of Tao are not high innate talent, those who will be high in comprehension and perception of the Tao of Heaven, but need a lot of chance.Even if a sage has a high comprehension of the Tao and a high degree of perception of the Tao

High, I am afraid it is just a high degree of comprehension and perception of the way of heaven. This is one of the few peerless geniuses in all universes, not to mention the way of nothingness that is three levels higher than the way of heaven. In these cases, Xiao Hanyu would think that Wukong There is no chance.

But there are often exceptions to everything, and this exception is also the reason why Xiao Hanyu said these words to Wukong.

"So I have no chance." Wukong knew that he hadn't even perceived the Dao of Heaven yet, so how could he perceive the highest level of Dao of Nothingness, and his understanding of Dao was not very high.

"Haha." Xiao Hanyu laughed suddenly.

"Senior?" Wukong yelled suspiciously.

"Haha, do you know why I chatted with you alone? Just because you are Huanyu's sworn brother?" Xiao Hanyu laughed.

"Huh?" Wukong thought to himself: "Does he know that I have the ability to destroy the world and make good fortune?"

"You are practicing here now, and when you break through and become a saint, I will tell you what you want to know." Xiao Hanyu continued.

"Sanctification?" Wukong asked doubtfully.

"That's right, here I will help you become a saint. If you don't understand anything about cultivation, you can ask me directly. Although we have taken different paths, I can still do it if you give me some pointers." Xiao Hanyu said seriously .

"But,,,,,," Wukong said.

But it was interrupted by Xiao Hanyu, "I know what you want to say, you don't have to worry about anything now, just practice, you will understand after you become a saint, I can guarantee you will not regret it."

"But it's not that easy to become a saint. I've been stuck in the bottleneck for a long time." Wukong replied truthfully.

"Haha, don't worry about this, you can definitely become a saint quickly with my guidance here." Xiao Hanyu said confidently.

"Uh, well, I'll just trust you once." Wukong compromised, telling himself intuitively that he should trust the person in front of him.

"Okay, then you just need to do as I said, to ensure that you become a saint. First, you have to divide your power essence into 360 five strands to form a Zhoutian Xingdou formation in your sea of ​​consciousness, and then absorb the essence of heaven and earth Uniformly move toward 360 five-day strength

After nine days, merge the 360 ​​and five days into one, and then compress it, as long as you can compress it to one percent of the size when it was just merged, then I will tell you what to do. "Xiao Hanyu said.

"En." Then Wukong followed Xiao Hanyu's instructions.

After absorbing the essence of Jiutiandi, Wukong began to fuse the five forces of 360. The fusion did not take long. In less than a minute, a giant sphere with a diameter of 1 meters was formed in the sea of ​​consciousness. Every inch of this giant sphere was filled with huge energy to

It is very difficult to compress even a little bit, but now it is even more difficult to compress it to one tenth.

Next, Wukong began to compress the giant sphere. In this way, Wukong spent another 58 days and finally succeeded in compressing it.

At this moment, Wukong's eyes suddenly opened, and the golden eyes were as bright as the vast stars.

(End of this chapter)

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