Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 181 Wukong Sanctification

Chapter 181 Wukong Sanctified ([-])

"Wukong, have you succeeded?" Xiao Hanyu who was not far from Wukong asked with a smile.

"Yes, senior, what should I do next." Wukong asked.

"Haha, that's right, then you will fuse this energy with the primordial spirit." Xiao Hanyu smiled.

"What? Is it possible to merge with the primordial spirit?" Wukong asked suspiciously. It is not a simple matter to fuse such a large amount of energy with the primordial spirit. The primordial spirit must be very powerful, but his own primordial spirit Simply unbearable.If it was the 360 ​​before

Although it is difficult to fuse the five strands with the primordial spirit bit by bit, it is not completely impossible, but the compressed version of the energy ball is much stronger than the previous one when it was just fused together. How can it be fused?

"That's right, you just need to integrate, don't worry, this time is definitely very simple, and you will know the answer later." Xiao Hanyu still had that confident expression.

"Can I trust him? It's easy for him to kill me, there's no need to plot me like this, and I have an intuition that I have to trust him." Wukong hesitated a little.

Xiao Hanyu didn't urge Wukong, but looked at Wukong with a smile, waiting for Wukong's answer.

A cup of tea passed quickly.

"Okay, I'll try fusion." Wukong finally made up his mind.

After that, Wukong slowly leaned the compressed energy ball towards the primordial spirit deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

One hundred meters, 50 meters, ten meters, five meters, three meters, one meter,,,,,,

"Tch." When the compressed version of energy touched Wukong's primordial spirit, a trace of strange black energy shot out from the forehead of Wukong's primordial spirit, instantly wrapped around the compressed version of energy, and then merged into it.

"Hiss." The compressed version of energy seemed to be one with Wukong's primordial spirit, and instantly merged with Wukong's primordial spirit.

"Boom." As if the space was collapsing, Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness churned for a while, black cyclones, golden air currents swirled around Wukong's primordial spirit in Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Explosion." Wukong's primordial spirit burst suddenly.

"Ah." The heart-piercing pain forced Wukong to yell out, the primordial spirit burst, that was not an ordinary pain, even Wukong at this level felt so painful, the general quasi-sage Dzogchen level had already felt so painful. very painful.

Streams of black gas, black gas, purple gas and golden gas flew towards Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness, making Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness expand continuously.

Seventy-seven and 49 days finally passed, and Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness now has 360 five larger and brighter golden stars hanging in the sea of ​​consciousness in a circle formation, and there are [-] stars around. Smaller and fainter golden yellow stars are distributed in four directions according to certain rules.
In all directions, Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness is very vast at this time, seemingly endless, and there are streaks of black gas, black gas and purple gas all over the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Phew." Wukong suddenly opened his eyes and let out a breath. The Wukong at this time has changed a lot from before. The feeling, that is, Wukong gives people a feeling as if they exist, and they seem to be
The feeling that Buddha does not exist.

"Haha, Wukong, congratulations on your sanctification." Xiao Hanyu stood in front of Wukong and smiled at Wukong.

"I'm sanctified?" Wukong stretched out his hands, looked at his hands, felt the strength in his body, and said in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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