Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 182 The Secret of the Primordial Origin

Chapter 182 The Secret of the Primordial Origin ([-])

"This power is really too strong, it has been increased by more than a hundred times." Wukong shouted wildly from the bottom of his heart.

"Wukong, come and sit down here, it's time for me to explain something to you." After Xiao Hanyu finished speaking, he walked to the stone stool and sat down.

After hearing this, Wukong immediately walked to another stone stool and sat down.

"Well, before I answer some of your questions, let me tell you a story." Xiao Hanyu said solemnly.

"Senior, please speak." Wukong nodded.

Xiao Hanyu stood up at this time, turned his back to Wukong, stood with his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, and fell into the memory.

"The Hongmeng universe was the first universe to be born. As for how the Hongmeng universe was formed? It has always been a mystery. After an unknown number of Hongmeng years, the four supreme beings were born one after another. Ancestor and Holy Creation. As for the name of the last one, I won’t mention it. If you have the opportunity to know his name in the future, don’t keep talking about it, otherwise you will be noticed by him, and the consequences will be disastrous, at least in your strength. Before it is not strong enough, it cannot be mentioned. One Hongmeng year in the Hongmeng universe is equivalent to the time of a hundred Yuanhui in the universe you are in." Xiao Hanyu recalled.

"En." Wukong nodded and said, Wukong has already learned about these from Mishi and Good Fortune, he knows the three of the four supreme beings that Xiao Hanyu mentioned, and the last one does not know Mishi and Good Fortune Mention his name.

It's just that Mieshi and Good Fortune didn't dare to mention that person because they had an enmity with that person, and they were afraid that that person would find out. As for Xiao Hanyu, they didn't dare to mention that person. Dare to mention it, but that one dare not mention it.But Wukong didn’t quite understand why he couldn’t talk about it after he had the opportunity to know that person’s name. Wukong guessed that maybe that person didn’t allow others to talk about him, even if he was an insignificant person to that person. .

For example, when the gods in the prehistoric universe mention the saint, the saint will not care at all. If a powerful person mentions the saint, the saint will be aware of it. If you say something disrespectful to him, you may be tricked by him.Wukong originally thought that the same should be the case for that existence. He mentioned that he didn't care at all when he was weak, and his own strength was far behind that person. That person shouldn't care about his own words. Why? Xiao Hanyu wanted to remind himself like this, it seemed that it was not what he imagined.

"The head of the four supreme beings is Yuanxin Daozu. According to legend, he was born at the same time as the Hongmeng universe. At this time, the Four Supreme Beings have already stood at the highest point of the universe and achieved the Supreme Dao Status. At this time, another batch of innate primordial beings were born, and after countless years of development, this second batch of innate primordial beings were , killing each other, and finally there are only [-] innate primordial beings left, no more, no less, exactly [-], these [-] innate primordial beings have also obtained the Great Way after countless years of tempering."

"At this time, a large number of beings were born in the primordial universe, and the third batch of primordial beings was much more than the second batch of innate primordial beings.
(End of this chapter)

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