Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 183 The Secret of the Primordial Origin

Chapter 183 The Mystery of the Primordial Origin (Part [-])

Of course, there were also creatures born between the second batch of innate primordial beings and the third batch of innate beings. These people are the descendants of the second batch of innate primordial beings, and they are also called innate primordial beings. Of course, those who survived have also passed the certification Dao fruit position, within those 4 people. "

"When the third batch of primordial beings were born, the primordial purple qi in the primordial universe was already very rare. At this time, the primordial beings were no longer called innate primordial beings, but acquired primordial beings. Although the primordial primordial beings at this time Purple Qi is very rare, but it is not comparable to your primordial universe. After countless years of development, there are more and more creatures in the Primordial Universe. Of course, the Primordial Purple Qi is also getting less and less. It is the peerless genius who broke through his own shackles and attained the Great Way."

"At this time, the primordial universe was also divided into four domains, which were respectively controlled by the four supreme beings. The previous [-] innate primordial beings worked under the four supreme beings, and each supreme had [-] subordinates of the innate primordial beings. The very few acquired primordial beings who broke through their own shackles were born in the area under the jurisdiction of the Supreme, and they will take refuge in that Supreme."

"Originally, everything in the Hongmeng universe was in order under the management of the four supreme beings, but suddenly one day, a dispute suddenly broke out between the world-destroying ancestor and the good fortune, and finally became more and more fierce, until one day a big war broke out. The battle was simply too tragic, much more tragic than the ancient battle for grandmist. Even the [-] Dao-level powerhouses under Shengzu and Shengzun lost almost one-third of them. There are countless deaths below the level of the Heavenly Dao, especially in the end, since even the two areas managed by the Holy Ancestor and the Holy Venerable have been destroyed badly."

"At this moment, Taoist Yuanxin finally made a move. In fact, Taoist Yuanxin had been a peacemaker before, but for some reason, the holy ancestor and the holy ancestor did not listen to the persuasion of Taoist Yuanxin. The bigger and the more intense, In the end, Yuanxin Daozu was forced to take action. We couldn't watch their level of battle close at all. We didn't know what happened between them. In the end, Shengzu and Shengzun joined forces to fight Yuanxin Daozu. This Only then did we know that Yuanxin Daozu is so strong, even if Shengzu and Shengzun join forces, they are not the opponent of Yuanxin Daozu."

"However, when the ancestor and the venerable were invincible, that existence also appeared, and he also joined the battle, but he fought against the Yuanxin Daozu together with the ancestral ancestor and the venerable, which turned the situation around. Just In this way, the four fought for more than 1000 years, and the last four people, the ancestors, the saints and the ancestors of Yuanxin were seriously injured. Something unexpected happened suddenly, and that existence suddenly and quickly fled the battle circle."

"Shengzu and Shengzun are not the opponents of Yuanxin Daozu, but Yuanxin Daozu suffered much heavier injuries than Shengzu at this time, so that the attack of Yuanxin Daozu is almost the same as that of Shengzu. In the end, all three of them were hit, suffered more serious injuries, and were on the verge of losing their souls. At this moment, that existence appeared again, and I saw him laughing. I don't know what to say, and finally attacked Yuanxin who was seriously injured Daozu three people."

(End of this chapter)

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