Chapter 189 The Plain of Death ([-])

There is a small tribe 36 meters away in front of Wukong, with [-] stone houses. Wukong happened to see a young man wielding a long spear beside the tribe.

So Wukong slowed down and flew towards the small tribe in front of him. When he was less than a kilometer away from the small tribe, Wukong stopped flying and moved forward on foot instead.

After all, Wukong doesn't know much about this unknown world yet, so it's better to keep a low profile and fly over directly, maybe others will regard him as an intruder.

Wukong also changed his body at this time, and replaced it with the holy body of good fortune. One is to hide his strength. At present, others can only see the strength of Wukong's good fortune holy body, and they can't see the strength of Wukong's first body at all. Strength, even Xiao Hanyu's level
Others can't be seen if you don't use the holy power of nothingness.

This is what Xiao Hanyu told Wukong, and it was also what Xiao Hanyu suggested to Wukong when he left. After all, a strong person like Xiao Hanyu would not use the holy power of nothingness to detect a monk who has not even reached the level of a saint, so Wukong would not Will worry that some strong will
Use the void holy power to detect yourself.

The second is what Xiao Hanyu said. In this source world, ordinary ascetics will not easily attack people who are much weaker than themselves, unless this person angers that strong person. Wukong hides his strength and does not want too many people to notice. To myself, after all, the strength of my own creation of the Eucharist

Now it is at the level of a second-tier celestial being. In this source world, not many people will pay attention to it. After all, the most ordinary people in this world can reach the level of a second-tier celestial being after two or three years of practice.

When Wukong was about 500 meters away from this small tribe, the person who was practicing marksmanship noticed Wukong, mainly because he practiced martial arts too seriously, and in this source world, with his strength, the expansion of his consciousness was very small , so he didn't stretch the consciousness detection

The situation around him, but he was concentrating on training, and he didn't find Wukong until he glanced at Wukong when he was practicing martial arts.

"Who are you?" The young man stopped practicing and shouted loudly.

The young man's cry immediately startled the people in the stone houses, and 35 people walked out of 41 stone houses. Some of the 35 houses had two people, some had three people, and the last room had no one. should be

This young man's.

As soon as these people came out, they transformed their weapons one by one, as if they were facing a strong enemy, and immediately filled half of the sky with colorful lights.

"I lost my way and came here by accident, and there is no malice." Wukong stopped and shouted loudly.

"Since you are lost, you should go around the road." The young man said lightly.

"I want to ask a way, which direction can I get out of the plain the fastest?" Wukong asked loudly.

"Haha, you want to get out of this plain, it's ridiculous, haha." Not only the young man laughed, but also the 41 people behind him.

Wukong frowned, a little puzzled, but he didn't rush to ask questions, but waited for the other party to continue to answer.

Sure enough, as Wukong expected, the other party smiled for a while and continued: "Boy, are you crazy about wanting to go out? We also really want to get out of this plain of death, but for countless years, except for the high-ranking strong man who can walk Go outside. Even if the Heavenly Dao is strong

You can't go out, I don't think you should have reached the Dao level, haha. "

(End of this chapter)

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