Chapter 190 The Plain of Death ([-])

"Plain of Death? Only Dao level can go out? How did Brother Xiao send me to such a place?" Wukong was puzzled.

"May I ask what's going on in this plain of death?" Wukong asked.

"What? You don't know the plain of death? Did I hear wrong?" the young man asked in surprise.

"Qiao Tian, ​​you heard me right, he did ask what happened to the plain of death." A woman in blue behind the young man said.

"Boy, you really don't know about the Plain of Death?" The young man named Qiao Tian asked suspiciously. At this time, Qiao Tian seemed to have seen the most incredible thing in the world.

"I don't know. I was born from a stone. No one told me this." Wukong was telling the truth, but what Qiao Tian and the others didn't know was that Wukong was not born here, but a flower in the wild universe. Born in Guoshan.

"The one born in the stone turned out to be a stone demon. How did you enter the plain of death? Or was it that you were born in the plain of death?" Qiao Tian asked.

"I didn't come from above, I just appeared in this so-called plain of death." No one thought about the word "appear" that Wukong said, Wukong did appear in this plain of death, but he was not born, they thought Wukong said was born here.

"Since you have never been out, you don't need to know why the Death Plain appeared. You just need to know that you can't get out. I think you should leave quickly and find a place to practice hard." Qiao Tian continued.

"Excuse me, excuse me." Wukong could also see that the 42 people on the other side were wary of him. As for why, Wukong didn't know, and he didn't really want to know. Since he couldn't ask anything here, he had no choice but to leave. Go ahead and see if we can meet again

After finishing speaking, Wukong continued to fly around the small tribe, but at a very slow speed.

"A little fairy, he didn't die by himself. Fortunately, he met us this time. If he met those people, he would definitely die. I don't know if he was lucky or unlucky?" Qiao Tian saw Wukong flying. The speed can understand Wukong's general strength


The level division of this source world is cultivator, immortal, true immortal, golden immortal, mysterious immortal, immortal emperor, ancient immortal, quasi-sage, saint, heavenly way, great way, and supreme way Yes, little is known about those below the Dao of Heaven.) And that

The more illusory Dao of Nothingness, these are actually the original hierarchy of the Primordial Realm.

"Leave him alone, let's hurry up and continue to practice, that will come soon, how many people will survive then?" A middle-aged man in black among the crowd said indifferently.

As soon as the middle-aged man in black finished speaking, everyone showed terrified expressions, obviously very afraid of 'that', and then everyone went back to their own houses to start practicing.

"Is this place really like what they said, you can only go out if you have reached the Dao?" Wukong stopped and thought after flying for three hours.

At this time, Wukong was flying with the cultivation base of the Eucharist, and the flying distance was not very far, only more than 200 kilometers.

"Haha, there is actually a single person here." While Wukong was thinking, a voice suddenly entered Wukong's ears.

Notice: I have been busy with the dormitory issues for the past few days. Not only is the internship place not allowed to connect to the Internet, but even the electricity is restricted. The mobile phone is not fully charged. Let him take it to his office to charge it. , so I only wrote about [-] words a few days ago. Now that I moved out, I only added [-] words today, so this week, I will post less. I will update it every day from next week, but don’t expect me to update more , In the internship, the class is very tight, and there are homework every day, and I am now moving out at the risk of being suspended by the school and not giving me a diploma. If you understand, thank you, if you don’t understand, forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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