Chapter 191 The Plain of Death ([-])

"Bang bang bang." A few huge boulders 20 meters away in front of Wukong suddenly burst open, and five people jumped out of it, all in blood-red costumes, holding a blood-red scimitar in their hands.

"Bah bah, it's just a little fairy. You are so courageous. You dare to walk around alone. Fifth, go and get rid of him." One of the five people, who seemed to be the leader, asked one of them. The thinner man said.

"Oh, I'm the one who killed such a small character again." The skinny man sighed.

Although the skinny man said so, he still obeyed the order and walked towards Wukong.

"Boy, finish it yourself, lest I do it." The skinny man shouted arrogantly to Wukong.

Wukong ignored him at all. With a secret sweep of Wukong's first body's divine consciousness, he found out that the strongest of the five people was no more than the general quasi-sage strength of killing three corpses, and the strength of the person in front of him was equivalent to The strength of a dead quasi-sage is fundamentally different from his own
pose no threat.

Therefore, Wukong completely ignored the skinny man and walked sideways to the right.

"Hmph, boy, since you don't do what I say, don't blame me for being cruel, I will make your life worse than death." The skinny man said angrily, but was ignored by a little fairy. Said it was a great shame.

As soon as the thin man finished speaking, two thin red threads shot out from the top of the thin man's head, and shot straight towards Wukong.

For these people, Wukong has no interest in fighting at all. His first body is too strong, and the strength of the holy body is too weak. No body can fight these people smoothly.

So Wukong directly transformed into the first body, and suddenly a powerful coercion directly pressed on the five men in red, and the red filaments from the thin man instantly disappeared.

"Bang." The five men in red fell to their knees at the same time, splashing a lot of gravel.

"The majesty of the sage, the sage spares my life, I don't mean to offend, and I hope you, the old man, can spare our lives." The leader immediately reflected and begged for mercy.

"Saint, please forgive me!" The others hurriedly begged for mercy, especially the thin man, who was trembling all over.

"You just need to answer some of my questions. If you answer well, I won't kill you." Wukong said lightly.

"Senior Saint, please speak." The leader quickly answered.

"Tell me about this Plain of Death. I won't kill the ones that are too many and correct, and I can't repeat them." Wukong didn't want them to know that he didn't know any information about the Plain of Death.

"Senior Saint, let me speak first." The leader hurriedly said first.

"Senior Sage, I know a lot, let me tell you." Others hurriedly replied, for fear that if they said it later, it would be finished by others, and they would have little to say, or even nothing to say. At that time, he will undoubtedly die.

, "You talk first." Wukong pointed to the leader and said lightly.

"Yes, yes, senior sage, this plain of death has existed for countless Hongmeng years. As for how many Hongmeng years, I don't know. I guess few people know. It is said that this plain of death is the head of the legendary four supreme beings. Founded by the Dao ancestor of Yuanxin." The leader was ecstatic when he heard that Wukong asked him to speak first, and hurriedly spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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