Chapter 193 The Plain of Death ([-])

"In Yanlong City, there are seven Dzogchen powerhouses in the Dao of Heaven, 21 from the early to late stages of the Dao of Heaven, more than 400 powerhouses at the Saint level, and as many as one million at the Quasi-Saint level. There are also seven strong players at the same level, from the early stage of the Heavenly Dao to the late stage
There are eighteen strong men in the period, there are more than 400 strong men at the saint level, and there are as many as one million quasi-sages. These two cities also do not allow people below the level of quasi-sages to enter. "

"Of course there are other small cities and tribes. Most of them are distributed in the west, and a few are scattered in various places. As for the central part, it is the territory of our aborigines. The plain of death is 360 billion square kilometers. Senior saint, what I say know all

It's over. "The leader replied respectfully.

"Those who were brought in didn't even reach the quasi-sage cultivation level at the beginning, and the lowest level of you is the quasi-sage cultivation level, how could you not kill them all? People with cultivation levels below the quasi-sage level in this kind of place should avoid the quasi-sage level The above search should be very difficult, even if there is a chance to escape

Take it off, how long can you hide?Achieving a quasi-sage is not something that can be done in a day or two. Even if you reach the quasi-sage, you will not be an opponent against the five quasi-sages. How come there are so many survivors, and they have cultivated to the level of heaven. " Wukong asked lightly.

"That's because some of the people brought in appeared on the edge of the Death Plain, which is quite far away from us. And every time we come out to hunt them, there is a time limit. Each time we can only come out to hunt them for ten years You have to return, and it will be a year after you return.

Can come out to hunt again.During this period of time, very few of us can reach the edge, but it is difficult to kill them all, after all, there are too many of them and they are relatively scattered.In addition, there was a person who went out from here and told the situation here, which made them more
With some precautions, it will be more difficult for us to kill them all. ’ the leader responded.

"How do you know that the person told the situation here, you can know the outside world?" Wukong asked puzzled.

"No, it was said by outsiders who were caught by the couple of Tunyu Shengqi and Zhou Zilin before they died, and then the two masters notified our patriarch, and the patriarch notified us." The leader explained.

"Oh, are those scattered in other areas all cultivated below the quasi-sage?" Wukong continued to ask.Just now Wukong thought they had a way out, but it turned out not to be.

"No, there are also many quasi-sages, and even a few saints, who are strong in the way of heaven." The leader replied honestly.

"Since there are three very powerful cities, why are there still some quasi-sages and above scattered in other areas, instead of going to those three cities, isn't it safer there?" Wukong asked.

"That's because there are restrictions on entering those three cities. First, you must reach the cultivation level above quasi-sage, second, you must kill 1 original residents, and third, you must contribute one ton of source stones. These conditions are met. Only those who can enter. And those saints and heavenly level

It is easy for the strong to meet these conditions, but some of them are unwilling to be restrained by others, so they are unwilling to enter the three cities, and some are for other reasons. As for the reason, I don't know. ’ replied the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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