Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 194 Meeting Zixia Again

Chapter 194 Meeting Zixia Again ([-])

"Which side is east?" Wukong then asked.

"Senior Sage, the direction to your right is east." The leader only thought that Wukong was continuing to test him, but what he didn't know was that Wukong didn't know anything about the plain of death.

"Well, you can leave now." Wukong said lightly.

"Senior Saint, can we leave too?" The other four people besides the leader asked nervously.

But Wukong didn't pay attention to them at all, he spread his body and flew to the right, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

"He didn't kill us." The skinny man said dully. At first he thought he was dead, but Wukong ignored him at all.

"He doesn't bother to kill us." A man in blue among the other three sighed.

"Yeah, our characters are just like ants in his eyes, alas, let's go." The leader's eyes showed incomparable sadness.

For people like them who were born for killing, and whose strength is fixed and can no longer improve, it is indeed very sad for them to live.

At this time, in a secret room in the depths of the Warcraft Mountains in the God of War Realm of Qinmeng Universe, Wukong's World-Destroying Saint Body sat cross-legged on the ground to meditate.

The Warcraft Mountains have already been ruled by Wukong, and Wukong also moved his headquarters to the deepest part of the Warcraft Mountains.

"Boss, I've made up my mind. I've decided to follow you from now on, and I won't go back to my former master." Mieshi's voice suddenly sounded in Wukong's mind.

"Mie Shi, are you sure you will follow me in the future?" Wukong was very happy in his heart.

"That's right, Boss, I decided to follow you in the future. Since I'm following you now, it's our fate. We're separated from the master. It's the end of my fate with him. Now the weapon master uses is not a stick weapon, so I think that only by following you can I exert my power even more, I feel
I feel that you, the boss, can take me to a new peak. "Mie Shi said firmly.

"Okay, okay, okay, then you will be my grandson's partner from now on, we will fight together and create brilliance together, haha." Wukong laughed happily.

"Okay, boss, let's create brilliance together." Mie Shi also said excitedly.

Wukong, who was flying eastward on the plain of death, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a slight smile. He knew all about the conversation between himself and the Saint of Mieshi just now, and Wukong was in a very happy mood at this time.

Time passed quickly, and ten days passed quickly.

During this period, Wukong also saw some small tribes and two small cities, but Wukong didn't attract anyone's attention, and just bypassed it and continued flying eastward.

"Brother Xuan Xi, I succeeded in beheading the corpse. I have finally broken through to the quasi-sage realm, hehe." A purple-clothed woman in a small tribe said happily to another white-clothed youth.

"Haha, Zixia, congratulations on your breakthrough, and congratulations on the improvement of our tribe's overall strength." The young man in white said equally happily.

"Congratulations, Zixia, haha." Others in the tribe immediately came over to congratulate.

"Hee hee, thank you all." Zixia said happily, "Wukong, I will work hard to improve my strength, you must wait for me, I don't know if my sister and the others have told me that I was brought into another universe. Wukong, if Wukong knew, would he

I worry. "Zixia thought silently in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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