Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 195 Meeting Zixia Again

Chapter 195 Meeting Zixia Again ([-])

At this moment, more than 50 figures appeared in the sky above the south, all of them were coming towards the tribe.

"It's time to come." Xuan Xi said lightly, looking to the south.

"I'm sorry, Brother Xuan Xi, I'm the one who has caused you trouble." Zixia apologized.

"Zixia, you don't have to feel guilty, even if it's not because of you, they won't let us go, we will have a fight with them sooner or later. If it is said that they are implicated, it should be me that implicates you all." Xuan Xi smiled Said.

"Brother Xuanxi, thank you." Zixia said gratefully.Zixia was very moved to have someone help her in this unfamiliar place where she could lose her life at any time.

"Brother Xuan Xi, if it weren't for you, we would have died long ago. Even if we die this time, we won't make it easy for them." A man in blue said loudly.

"That's right, they don't even want to take advantage of it." Someone immediately echoed.

Then the rest of the tribe also shouted loudly. Although the number was small, the momentum was not weak at all.

"Quack, it's ridiculous. If you want to fight with us, you'll have to see if you have the skills, haha." A strange laugh came from above.

I saw 50 people hanging in the sky 53 meters away from the south of the tribe, and the one who spoke was the leader, a young man with green hair and green clothes.

"Ouyang Han, this is a grievance between the two of us, don't implicate the innocent, let them go." Xuan Xi soared into the sky and said flatly, looking at the man in Tsing Yi.

"Haha, Xuan Xi, you want me to let them go, so I'll just let them go at your command? Then how can I gain a foothold in front of my subordinates in the future? What face do I, Ouyang Han, have? It's ridiculous." Ouyang Han smiled strangely.

"It's not impossible to let them go, unless you kneel down and kowtow to me a hundred times, then destroy your Jiuhuan Dao Pill, and finally hand over the Xiwu Sword and Miss Zixia." Ouyang Han immediately said solemnly. Said.

"Don't even think about it, with us here, you don't even think about hurting Brother Xuan Xi." Someone in the tribe immediately said angrily.

"We're talking, when is it your turn to interrupt?" Ouyang Han said coldly, and suddenly a saintly pressure pressed on that person.

"Tch." Xuan Xi instantly unleashed the coercion of a saint, lowering Ouyang Han's coercion.

"Ouyang Han, since you are so shameless and want to attack these juniors, then we have nothing to say, do you dare to fight me?" Xuan Xi said disdainfully to Ouyang Han and the others.

"Hmph, don't worry, I don't need to do anything to kill these ants, and you don't even think about playing tricks on me. The ones I brought with you are below the level of a saint, and none of them can escape." Ouyang said coldly.

A saint can kill a saint below the level of a saint with just one thought, and that is just a comment on the saint who borrows the power of heaven, like Ouyang Han and the others who borrow the power of nothingness to kill a group of people who are below the level of a saint , all it takes is a thought
It is easy to do, so there are also regulations in the source world, those who are above the saint can not kill those below the saint, otherwise they will be punished by the rules of the source world.

So just now Ouyang Han just wanted to use coercion to teach the person below, not to kill him. If the cultivation level below the saint offends the cultivation level above the saint, the cultivation level above the saint can send some quasi-sages to kill them for them kill that man.

(End of this chapter)

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