Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 199 Wukong's Rage

Chapter 199 Wukong's Rage ([-])

"Hehe, I was born out of a rock." Wukong thought in his heart, but he didn't say it out, after all, he really didn't care much about Zixia.

"By the way, didn't you just say that you were brought here only after 1 years of being a quasi-sage, why are you brought here now? It hasn't been long since I left!" Wukong asked suddenly.

"It's been more than 8000 years since you and Daozu left, and I've been here for 13 years. How could you not know?" Zixia asked suspiciously.

"What? It's been so long? That's right, the time must be different in two different universes." Wukong quickly figured it out.

The universe is infinitely mysterious. Thousands of years have passed since Wukong stayed in the space-time tunnel, not to mention Wukong stayed in the Qinmeng universe for several years. The time difference between the two universes is different. Wukong stayed in the Qinmeng universe. In the past few years, the prehistoric universe has passed

Thousands of years.

A person who can easily travel back and forth between several universes in the same period of time is a superpower who can control time and space, at least a powerhouse above the level of Heavenly Dao.

"Wukong, you came here after leaving with Daozu?" Zixia asked suspiciously.

"It's a long story." Then Wukong briefly talked about the fact that he was attacked by Honghuang Tiandao and Luohu and traveled to another universe. As for how he got here, he said that he would tell her when he had a chance, and he couldn't say it for the time being. He also said that he just came here to die

It didn't take long for the Plain of Death.

"It's really stingy, I don't even want to say that." In fact, when Zixia heard that Honghuang Tiandao and the demon god Luohu attacked Wukong in a sneak attack and Wukong almost fell, she was secretly frightened, her hands were clenched into fists, and then she heard Wukong on the other side. A universe restored to strength,

And when there were two more bodies, he smiled and was happy for Wukong.Hearing that Wukong was unwilling to say how he came to this place, he pursed his lips and said angrily.

Since Wukong and Zixia talked just now, Wukong has set up a sound-proof enchantment. There are no ordinary people here, and Wukong doesn't want strangers to hear his conversation with Zixia.

Even if there is no big secret, you must maintain a sense of mystery in front of strangers, and you must not let others know too much about yourself.

"Hehe." Wukong only smiled awkwardly.

Suddenly Wukong frowned and turned to look east.

"What's wrong? Wukong." Zixia didn't know what happened, so she asked Wukong.

At this moment, Xuan Xi also flew up, hanging not far to the left of Wukong, also looking towards the east.

"Brother Dao, you should take Zixia and leave. Thank you for your rescue just now. If there is a chance, I will definitely repay your kindness." Xuan Xi actually wanted to ask Wukong to help take the rest of the tribe away. , but he has nothing to do with Wukong, and just now

Only then did he save himself and others, although it was indirect, but it was considered a life-saving grace.Therefore, Xuan Xi couldn't speak, so she asked Wu Kong for help.

"Did they come again?" Zixia quickly figured it out, so she asked nervously.

Although Zixia saw that Wukong was very strong just now, from what Wukong said just now, she knew that Wukong had just become a saint not long ago, even if he was strong, he would not be so strong. Since the other party dared to come, he must have brought enough strong assistance, so Zixia is very nervous now.

(End of this chapter)

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