Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 200 Wukong's Rage

Chapter 200 Wukong's Rage ([-])

"Zixia, you go downstairs first." Wukong had also lifted the sound barrier at this time.

Zixia also knew that she couldn't help here at all, and she was still a burden, so she nodded and said, "Okay, Wukong, be careful."

After seeing Wukong nodded, Zixia immediately flew to the tribe below and gathered with the others.

Suddenly Wukong waved his right hand in the direction of the tribe, and a fist-sized spherical object appeared in the sky above the tribe. This spherical object was exactly the spherical object that Wukong absorbed the spiritual energy when he left the level, and suddenly a semicircle radiated from the spherical object The shape mask will

The whole tribe is covered.

Xuan Xi glanced at the spherical object, and was deeply shocked in his heart. He could see that this spherical object was at least a magic weapon of the level above the Chaos Supreme Treasure, which was at least one level higher than the Xiwu Sword he had just obtained.

At this moment, there were sixteen light spots in the east flying towards this side quickly, and they arrived close in a short while.

The leader is an old man in green. Behind him are Ouyang Han, Liu Lan, and two other saint-level powerhouses. Now these sixteen people are all saint-level people, and four of them Wukong can't see through their strength.

In fact, Wukong is only in the early stage of a saint. Using his golden eyes, Wukong can only see through the realm of most saints in the middle stage, but Wukong's strength is absolutely invincible among saints.

Now there are four people Wukong can't see through. Wukong thinks that the other party should be a strong man in the middle or late stage of the saint, not at the level of heaven, because Wukong didn't feel a trace of danger from the other party.

"Brother Wukong, this man in green is a master of Tianxuan City, the number one general under the lord of Tianxuan City, I heard that he has reached the level of a saint Dzogchen, and the three men in black behind him are three brothers. They have all reached the late saint stage, especially their supporting
They have a tacit understanding, even if they are defeated by the saint Dzogchen, they can retreat completely.That Liu Lan and that Hua Long in purple are both strong mid-sage saints, and the other ten people, including Ouyang Han, are all early-sage saints. "Xuan Xi sent a voice transmission to Wukong.

"Yeah." Wukong echoed, Wukong was not afraid of these people at all.Not only is he not afraid, but Wukong is also very happy. He has just reached the level of a saint, and he has not met anyone who can fully exert his strength. Of course, Xiao Hanyu is not included. Xiao Hanyu is super strong.
Existence, I can't resist his blow at all.With these people I met now, I can make myself fully use the power I just obtained.

"How dare you come back and bring some helpers." Wukong said coldly to Ouyang Han and others.

"Haha, why didn't I dare to come, kid, I won't let you die easily, I want to make your life worse than death, this is what you will end up with if you offend me." Ouyang Han said fiercely.

"Xuanxi, now I can give you another choice, destroy your Jiuhuan Dao Pill, then hand over the Xiwu Sword and Miss Zixia, and finally give me 1 rings, I will make you happy He's dead, haha." Ouyang Han said with a smile.

"Ouyang Han, don't even think about it." Xuan Xi said angrily.

"Hmph, I spared your life before, you didn't know how to cherish it, and now I'm sending you to my death, then I will help you." Wukong snorted coldly, obviously Wukong was already angry when he heard that Ouyang Han wanted Xuanxi to hand over Zixia .

(End of this chapter)

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