Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 204 Fierce Battle of the Saints

Chapter 204 Fighting All Saints ([-])
Just when Xuan Xi was in despair, a golden light beam flew from the side, instantly destroying the attacks of Liu Lan and others.There was also a golden beam of light that instantly penetrated the defenses of the five people on Liu Lan's left, and the five saints' early-stage powerhouses gradually dissipated until they turned into
for nothingness.

"Go down, leave it to me." Wukong's voice suddenly sounded in the mind of Xuan Xi who was stunned.

"Ah? Well, okay, okay, Brother Wukong, be careful." Xuan Xi was awakened by the sudden voice, and then said, he also knows that he can't help here, and I'm afraid it will add to the chaos , then flew to the tribe below.

When Xuan Xi was about to touch the golden mask, a hole suddenly appeared in the mask, and Xuan Xi happened to enter through the suddenly appeared hole, and after Xuan Xi entered, the hole closed again immediately.

Liu Lan and the others didn't dare to stop them at all, they were very afraid of Wukong at this moment, and Jiang Fan and the others did not stop them, and with Wukong blocking them, they couldn't be distracted from dealing with Xuan Xi.Moreover, they are all calculating each other, it is impossible to exert all their strength, let alone

It can stop Xuan Xi from hiding in the mask.

Xuan Xi is nothing to Jiang Fan and the others, it is easy to deal with him, so they don't care about Xuan Xi hiding in the mask, what they think most now is how to let the opponent and Wukong fight with all their strength, so that they can escape loot treasure, so

They were all waiting quietly, and no one was in a hurry to make another move.

"What? If you don't make a move, then I will make a move first." Wukong, who was exuding golden light all over his body, looked around Jiang Fan and the others and said.

Jiang Fan and the others still didn't make a sound, they were waiting to see who Wukong would attack first, and the other party would immediately retreat to snatch the treasure.

Wukong sized up Jiang Fan and the others for a while, then suddenly flew towards Jiang Fan at high speed.

The wind howled, and the wind and cloud fused, black cracks appeared where Wukong passed, but they healed up again in an instant.

"Not good." Jiang Fan exclaimed in his heart, he was worried that Wukong would attack him first, because he could see that Wukong should be a militant, and he would definitely pick someone with similar strength, and the three Du Yan brothers were weaker than him individually It's too far away, that is to say, it is only possible to use the combination attack technique.

Be strong and fight with yourself.

"Hiss." Jiang Fan immediately stretched out his right hand and faced him. At this time, he had to fight if he didn't fight.

"It's now, evacuate and snatch the treasure." Du Yan made a judgment in an instant, and immediately sent a voice transmission to his two younger brothers.

With a loud "bang", Wukong's fist and Jiang Fan's sharp claw collided for the first time, causing the space to tremble violently, and small circles of light rippled in all directions.

Afterwards, the distance between the two was separated instantly. All this happened so briefly. It seemed that the two had only passed one move, but in fact, the two had already played more than 100 moves.

At the same time, the three Du Yan brothers rushed towards the tribe below at the same time, and at the same time, each of them transformed into a black sword in their hands.

The three of them slashed a five-meter-long black saber light onto the mask at the same time. When the three black saber lights approached the mask, they suddenly merged into one, but the size did not change at all, but the black light was even worse.

"Puchi." The huge black saber light just touched the mask, and suddenly disappeared, and the next moment it appeared on the other side of the mask.
(End of this chapter)

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