Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 205 Fierce Battle of the Saints

Chapter 205 Fighting All Saints ([-])
He slashed fiercely at the open space on the other side, and a long, bottomless huge crack was instantly split on the ground.

"What's going on? Space transfer?" Du Lei, the third among the three brothers, asked in surprise.

"Du Yan, what do you three brothers want to do?" Jiang Fan immediately retreated a hundred meters after fighting Wukong, and then shouted anxiously to the three Du Yan brothers. He was very anxious at this time, for fear that the three Du Yan brothers He snatched away the treasure, but he was entangled by Wukong again

I can't get away for a while, so I can only be anxious.

Seeing that Du Yan and others' attacks were strangely shifted to the open space behind the mask, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, Jiang Fan, stop acting, we all know it well." Du Yan said directly, not afraid of tearing his face.

"Hmph, you traitors, Liu Lan, Hua Long, eleven of you go together and take down the three traitors, Du Yan, and I will give you a lot of rewards when you go back." Of course Jiang Fan didn't expect Liu Lan and the others He was able to catch Du Yan and the others because he wanted to delay time.

"This?" Liu Lan and the others looked at each other, and said hesitantly, the strength of Du Yan and the others is much stronger than them, and their combined strike technique is even comparable to that of the Saint Dzogchen-level powerhouse, Liu Lan and the others It would be death to catch them.

But if they didn't catch the three brothers Du Yan, they would be in a dead end, and they would even live worse than death. At this moment, everyone scolded Jiang Fan severely in their hearts.

"Hey, old man, leave them alone, let's continue fighting." At this time, all the cells in Wukong's body became active, and his heart was full of desire to fight.

After Wukong finished speaking, he formed a magic seal with his hands, and the golden circles of light gradually enlarged, attacking Jiang Fan.

"You just need to stop the three of them. When I go back, I will reward you with ten emptiness." Jiang Fan knew that it was impossible for them to catch the three Du Yan brothers. The three Yan brothers, so Wukong asked

When Wukong came to attack, he sent voice transmission to Liu Lan and 11 other people. After all, voice transmission with spiritual sense is much faster than speaking with his mouth. Now that he is in battle, he can't be distracted by speaking, so he can only transmit voice with spiritual sense.

"Fight." Liu Lan and the others resolutely said, so they all transformed into their own magic weapons and attacked the three Du Yan brothers.

At the same time, Jiang Fan swung his right hand forward quickly, and huge tornadoes roared out, cracks in the air spread everywhere, and traces of black electricity overflowed from the endless abyss of nothingness and merged into the tornado, making the tornado become unusually violent


The attack of the two was quite fast, and they collided in an instant. There was no earth-shattering explosion sound, as if time stood still, and the tornado stopped spinning strangely after touching the light circle.

Then a golden figure emerged from it, rushing towards the astonished Jiang Fan with lightning speed.

"Bang." A green figure pierced through the ground like a cannonball.

All this happened so suddenly and quickly, the attack of Liu Lan and others had not yet reached Du Yan's three brothers.

"Zixia, is Brother Wukong at the Dzogchen level?" Xuan Xi admired Wukong very much at this time.

"I don't know either. When I separated from him, he was only at the level of Zhunsheng Dzogchen." Zixia just answered vaguely, without saying anything.

(End of this chapter)

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