Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 206 Fierce Battle of the Saints

Chapter 206 Fierce battle against the saints ([-])
"Oh." Xuan Xi then looked at the battle between Wukong and Jiang Fan, his eyes were full of yearning, the Great Perfection of the Saint was still very far away for him.

"You are looking for death." Du Lei said sharply, accompanied by eleven black giant sword lights.

Eleven giant black sword glow carriers slashed towards Liu Lan and the other 11 people's attacks with a sharp sound, and the attacks of the 11 people were disintegrated in an instant.

But the matter was not over yet, the eleven black giant sword glows did not disappear at all, but continued to slash towards Liu Lan and the other eleven people quickly.

"Hiss, hiss." Liu Lan and the others didn't even have time to hide. The eyes of the 11 people were full of horror at this time, and their expressions were completely frozen.

Because eleven black blade lights directly passed through their bodies and hit the ground behind them, instantly leaving eleven long and deep cracks on the ground.

Eleven people including Liu Lan fell to the ground with unwilling expressions.

"Hmph, a group of ignorant guys actually wanted to stop us, and it's your honor to die from my strongest move 'Earth Splitting'." Du Lei said coldly, holding the black sword in front of his chest.

"Okay, third brother, hurry up and set up the formation, we are going to break through this mask." Du Yan said to Du Lei.

"Okay, big brother." Du Lei nodded and said, and then the three of them formed a circle with the mask, threw the knives in their hands in the air and hung them one meter above their heads, and then the three of them began to seal with their hands , slowly emitting bursts of black smoke from the bodies of the three of them.

Light, now and then.

At this time, everyone in the mask looked nervously at Du Yan and the three of them. They also saw that Du Lei killed eleven saints with one move, and also cut such a long and deep hole in the ground. The space barrier and the solidity of the earth are very strong,
The strongest blow of the quasi-sage level can punch the earth into a hole the size of a fist. It can be seen that the strength of the saint is much stronger than that of the quasi-sage, especially the three Du Lei brothers are the strongest among the saints.

Although the source world stipulates that strong men above the level of saints are not allowed to kill those below the level of saints, they are still very afraid. This is an instinctive fear of the strong.And this setting only does not allow saints and above to kill saints on purpose
The lower level, but if the energy of fighting Xuan Xi after they broke through the mask spreads to them and causes them to die, it doesn't count.

Even if the three Du Yan brothers could easily kill Xuan Xi, the energy would be more or less scattered to the side, and even a little bit of energy would not be something they could resist.Although they are not afraid of death, they are also prepared to live and die with Xuan Xi, if Du
The three Yan brothers broke through the defense and came in. They would not escape, but fought with Xuan Xi.

But since the appearance of Wukong, they have hope of living again, so they don't want to die too much, who wants to die innocently if they can't die?So now they can only hope that the mask emanating from Wukong's bead can stop the strong attack of the three Du Yan brothers.
potential attack.

Of course, except for Zixia and Xuanxi, they are all watching Wukong's battle. Zixia is proud of Wukong's strength at this time, as if she is the one with the strength, Zixia's face is full of smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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