Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 207 Fierce Battle of the Saints

Chapter 207 Fighting All Saints ([-])
At the same time, on Wukong's side, Jiang Fan had been knocked underground for a while, but he hadn't come out yet. Wukong could detect that Jiang Fan was still underground and was still preparing moves.So Wukong also got ready, looked down, raised his right hand slightly, and a golden
A yellow dragon formed in Wukong's hands, and the surrounding energy crazily gathered towards the little dragon in Wukong's hands, causing the light on the little dragon to flourish, illuminating the entire sky.

Suddenly, the big crater smashed by Jiang Fan below burst open, gravel flew randomly, and a huge green goshawk with a height of ten meters screamed out, its wings spread nearly 20 meters, and the goshawk spread its wings Together, tens of thousands of small

Although the tornado is small, it is more deterrent than the previous tornado.

"Good time." Wukong thought to himself.

Then he stretched his right hand forward, and the small golden dragon instantly grew bigger against the wind, turning into a golden dragon with a length of [-] meters.

"Roar." A dragon chant resounded through the heaven and earth, and a ripple invisible to the naked eye extended towards the green goshawk at high speed.

"Chirp Chirp." The green goshawk didn't show any weakness, it chirped and flapped its wings quickly, accompanied by countless small tornadoes.


The tornadoes in the sky exploded inexplicably one after another, and the golden dragon flew straight towards the goshawk without encountering any obstacles.

The goshawk honked, stopped emitting a tornado, and rushed straight up at an extremely fast speed. After flying to a certain height, it quickly swooped down towards the golden dragon below.

Like a shooting star, the goshawk drew a green arc in the sky.

"Roar." "Chirp." The two behemoths yelled at each other.

One hundred meters, fifty meters, ten meters, five meters, one meter.

The giant dragon bit the goshawk's neck forcefully, only to see the goshawk scream, spread its wings to the right and deflect, avoid the giant dragon's mouth, and use two sharp claws to grab the golden dragon.

"Boom." Before the goshawk had time to touch the body of the dragon, the golden dragon swung its tail, and the golden tail quickly swept the goshawk into the air.

"Jiujiu." The goshawk forcibly stopped its flight trend after being kicked more than 100 meters away, and then flew towards the golden dragon angrily, at a faster speed than before.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the golden dragon, and his sharp claws quickly grabbed it.

"Roar." A piece of golden dragon scale was snatched off by the goshawk, and the snatched dragon scale quickly turned into energy of heaven and earth and dissipated in the space. To the goshawk.

The goshawk has been drawn once, and will not be hit by the same trick again. I saw the goshawk fly straight up, and the dragon also flew up.

Suddenly the goshawk turned around suddenly and swooped down. When the dragon saw it, it immediately opened its huge mouth, protruded its front claws upwards, roared and swung its body and rushed straight up.

But something unexpected happened suddenly. When the goshawk was less than one meter away from the dragon, it instantly turned into a person. It was Jiang Fan in green clothes.

I saw Jiang Fan rushing towards the dragon's mouth with sharp green claws in his hand.

"Hey, you are still far away from playing this game with my grandson." Wukong, who was hanging in mid-air, looked at what happened in front of him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said with an evil smile.

On the way to the west, Wukong got into the stomachs of several people and made troubles. He didn't expect Jiang Fan to play this trick with Wukong now.

(End of this chapter)

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