Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 209 Fierce Battle of the Saints

Chapter 209 Fighting All Saints (VIII)
"Why hasn't he dealt with the three Du Yan brothers? Could it be that he doesn't bother to fight with them? This man is too strong, and his universe is definitely about to be completed. My chances of winning are not great. I can only use the power of nothingness while he is not paying attention. Killed him." Jiang Fan secretly looked at him

"Brother, what should we do? Let's fight with the power of nothingness." The second child, Du Feng, said via voice transmission.

"That's all, but we are no longer using the power of nothingness to attack this mask, but attacking that person. This treasure must have been refined by him, otherwise we would not have issued such a powerful defense on its own, so we The only way to have a chance is to kill him
Take treasures. "Du Yan sent a voice transmission to Du Feng and Du Lei.

Suddenly, the wind and cloud merged, and three giant black hole vortexes appeared in the sky.

I saw that the three Du Yan brothers exuded a powerful aura, intimidating, ancient and mysterious. The three of them seemed to be different people at this time, and the feeling they gave to others was completely different from before.

"Huh? Why did their strength suddenly increase so much?" Wukong wondered.

"Could it be because of borrowing the power of nothingness?" Wukong suddenly thought that people in this source world can borrow the power of nothingness, just like the saints in the prehistoric universe can borrow the power of heaven, but this power of nothingness is much stronger than the power of heaven up.

"Then let me experience your strength in borrowing the power of nothingness." Wukong thought secretly.

At this moment, the three black hole vortexes in the sky suddenly merged together to form a giant black hole vortex, which instantly moved to Wukong's side, and the huge suction force violently acted on Wukong's body.

"Humph, let's make a surprise attack. Fortunately, I have been watching you all the time." Wukong was not disturbed by the sudden attack, but mustered all his holy power to fight against the black hole's suction.

"Hiss hiss." At the same time, three afterimages flew towards Wukong.

"Clang clang clang." Three black knives slashed at Wukong's body at the same time, making the sound of metal rubbing against each other.At this time, Wukong was trying his best to resist the suction of the black hole, and he couldn't dodge or resist at all, so he could only resist with his body.

But an unexpected thing happened. The three people's full blows only cut Wukong's clothes, but didn't cut a single bit into Wukong's body.

"What a strong physical defense. The individual strength of the three brothers at this time is not weaker than that of me without using the power of the universe and the power of nothingness. In addition, their combined attack technique greatly increases their attack. Even so, Unexpectedly, even his pure physical defense couldn't be broken
, it seems that I don't have to take out all the bottom of the box, I don't want to defeat him, I just want to be able to escape. " Jiang Fan thought secretly.

Thinking that his majestic sage Dzogchen powerhouse would use all his tricks just to escape and save his life, Jiang Fan believed that Wukong was the pinnacle sage Dzogchen powerhouse, and he was only one step away from becoming a heaven-level powerhouse.

"The suction of this black hole is too strong. I'm afraid it won't work if I persist for a while. It seems that I also need to use the power of nothingness." After becoming a saint who can directly control the power of nothingness, a lot of things about saints appeared in Wukong's mind. information, including how to use
The power of nothingness, of course, the premise is that at least the saint who can borrow the power of nothingness, not the saint who borrows the power of heaven in the lower universe.

(End of this chapter)

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