Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 210 Fierce Battle of the Saints

Chapter 210 Fighting All Saints ([-])
So Wukong unfolded his consciousness, covering the space within a radius of one kilometer, and sensed the very rare air of nothingness in the space, and then guided a stream of air of nothingness into his body to transform into a force of nothingness.

In an instant, Wukong felt a very powerful force gushing out of his body. This force brought Wukong a sense of fullness, and it was very gentle. He would not feel any discomfort due to the sudden increase of such a powerful force, as if this energy originally Just like your own.

At this time, Wukong felt that the suction of the black hole was nothing at all, it could be ignored.

"It's not good, retreat quickly." Of course, the three Du Yan brothers discovered Wukong's astonishing change. They sensed the danger and immediately fled in three directions.

"Even if we die, we can't all die here. One or even two must escape, and those who survive must find a way to avenge the dead." These are the last words Du Yan said to his two younger brothers.

"The sudden increase in power is really ridiculously strong. I feel that my power has increased by more than a hundred times. How could it increase so much power? Why did the three of them increase so little power? Could it be that different people use the power of nothingness, and the effect is the same?" Different? Wait for the fight

Finally, ask the one named Xuan Xi. "Wukong asked doubtfully, he still didn't know much about this power of nothingness.

Wukong didn't stop Du Yan and the others from escaping at all, allowing them to flee away.

"Come out, don't hide." Wukong suddenly said to the void.

"I didn't expect that you could find me. Can you tell me, did you know that I was not dead before?" Jiang Fan manifested his body and suddenly realized.

"Yes." Wukong didn't deny it.

"Then what do you want?" Jiang Fan saw the strength of Wukong, and knew that even if he used those trump cards, he might not be able to escape. However, he also saw that Wukong did not chase and kill the three Du Yan brothers, so he also had a glimmer of hope in his heart. , hope Goku won't kill

"I just want you to use all your strength to have a good fight with me." Wukong said lightly.

"Okay." Jiang Fan knew that there was no way to avoid it, so he readily agreed, and then borrowed a force of nothingness to instantly increase his strength.

At this time, Jiang Fan's strength has also increased several times in an instant, but it is still far behind Wukong at this time.

But this is not all of Jiang Fan's abilities. I saw that the space where Wukong and Jiang Fan are located has changed instantly, and there are stars everywhere, just like the starry sky of the universe.

"What is this? Unlike absolute space, there is a mysterious atmosphere, as if it is very far away." Here, Wukong felt that his strength had dropped a lot in an instant.

Without waiting for Wukong to think, Jiang Fan's attack arrived in front of him in an instant.

Dozens of green afterimages pierced through the space and came to Wukong, directly smashing towards Wukong's sky spirit cover.

"This is all your power." Wukong waved his arm casually, and all those attacks were resolved.

"That's right, I have used the power of nothingness and the power of the universe." Jiang Fan hung in the air and stopped attacking, and replied truthfully.

"What is the power of the universe?" Wukong asked suspiciously.

"Huh? You don't know the power of the universe? Could it be that you haven't reached the Great Perfection of a saint? Impossible." Jiang Fan asked back, and then denied it.

"What does this have to do with whether you have reached the Great Perfection of the Saint?" Wukong didn't answer Jiang Fan's question, but asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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