Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 211 Opening up the world

Chapter 211 Opening up the world ([-])

"Only when we have reached the Great Perfection of the Saint and evolved the prototype of the universe, can we initially use the power of the universe. The power of our use of the power of the universe is not inferior to that of using the power of nothingness, or even stronger. It depends on the individual." Wukong did not answer. he dare not

Ask and only answer honestly.

"Oh, let's go then." Wukong waved his hands and then fell into deep thought.

"Eh?" Although Jiang Fan was puzzled, he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He hurriedly dispelled the phantom of the universe and fled eastward in a hurry. He didn't dare to delay at all, for fear that Wukong would regret it.

"The power of the universe evolves the universe." Wukong silently recited these words.

Suddenly, a mysterious and wonderful sound sounded in Wukong's mind. At this time, the four golden characters of "Yuxu Heart Sutra" deep in Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness also changed.

I saw the word 'Yu' gradually blurred, and finally disappeared. At the same time as the word 'Yu' disappeared, a large amount of misty matter formed in Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness, and soon formed a star body composed of countless stars. After a while, All these stars disappeared, as if

It's like nothing happened.

"Opening up the world, the first level of profound meaning of the Yuxu Heart Sutra is to open up the world and evolve the universe. The requirements are really high, no wonder you can practice now." Wukong suddenly had a lot of information in his mind, which was about the "Yuxu Heart Sutra". Now Goku can fix
I practiced the "Yuxu Heart Sutra".

The requirements of this "Yuxu Heart Sutra" are very high. The cultivation base must reach the realm of a saint, you must have the seal of nothingness, and you must also have great luck.Neither the first nor the third can be achieved and possessed by ordinary people. Of course, anyone with great luck can prove the fruit of a saint.

bit.The second one requires a great opportunity, and the Dao Seal of Void is a real treasure that even those who are at the top of the Dao are eager to get!
"Brother Xuanxi, what happened to Wukong? Why didn't he move? Is he okay?" Zixia asked anxiously when she saw Wukong hanging motionless in mid-air, but she and others couldn't get out.

"Don't worry, he's fine, he seems to have an epiphany." Xuan Xi said with a little admiration.

"Well, that's good." Zixia smiled.

Wukong in mid-air closed his eyes, sometimes smiling, sometimes solemnly.

"So that's how it is." Wukong guided all the air of nothingness in a radius of thousands of miles to gather in his body and introduce it into his dantian.

Afterwards, the holy power of Dou Zhuan was also introduced into the dantian. As soon as the holy power of Dou Zhuan touched the air of nothingness, earth-shaking changes took place in the dantian.

Dou Zhuan's holy power mixed with the air of nothingness, and suddenly, the dantian seemed to collapse, and the entire dantian began to expand, expanding at an extremely fast speed, without limit.

"This feeling is really amazing." Wukong felt that his soul was sublimating, and even his spiritual consciousness was growing.

I don't know how long it took, Wukong's dantian finally stopped expanding. Even so, Wukong's dantian was almost infinitely large, and Wukong could clearly feel that with his current strength, he was flying inside at full speed, even without any constraints. I'm afraid it will be hundreds of millions

Years to fly from one end to the other.

"Phew, it's really big! It's not a loss for the primordial universe, and it's just a prototype. If it's complete, what would it look like? I really can't imagine it. But this 'Yuxu Heart Sutra' is really powerful, and it has evolved What comes out is the highest level of the Hongmeng universe." Wukong said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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