Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 213 Opening up the world

Chapter 213 Opening up the world ([-])
The center of Wukong's universe is now gathering all the emptiness, which is also mixed with golden yellow substances. Soon after, four colors of brown, green, blue, and red substances are derived from it.The five substances stir together to form a vortex, and the vortex does not

It keeps expanding outward, and even the invisible air of nothingness is stirred in it, making the substances of the five colors of gold, brown, green, blue, and red become more numerous and dense.

The vortex composed of the five substances was divided into countless vortexes of different sizes and spread in all directions. Time passed little by little. central largest
The vortex forms a huge square object.

"Phew, the first step is finally about to be completed." Wukong said with a sigh of relief.

At this time, in the very center of Wukong's universe, there is a huge land, and 360 five huge stars are suspended around the land, and around the 360 ​​five huge stars are also surrounded by hundreds of millions of small stars. every star
It is no smaller than the stars that Wukong saw in the Mecha God Realm of Qinmeng Universe, and even the smallest ones are twice the size of the largest stars Wukong saw. As for those small stars and the Mecha God Realm The planet is about the same size.

Of course, the biggest one is the huge land floating in the void. The sum of all the stars here is less than one millionth of this huge land. Its surface area is definitely not smaller than the death plain, even larger than the death plain. Much bigger.

"Well, this Primordial Universe is really big enough. Now it's just a piece of land that has evolved, and it's so huge. A single piece of land is much larger than a single interface of the Qinmeng Universe. It is indeed the highest universe. But , to successfully complete the evolution of this primordial universe
, It also takes a long time, and it will take 360 ​​four lands to complete. "Wukong said to himself in a slow breath.

"Even if there is no binding force in this universe, it will probably take tens of millions of years to reach the other end at my current speed at full speed. Fortunately, I am the creator of this primordial universe. I only need one thought to be able to If you can think of any position, you can teleport there directly.”

"I didn't expect to come to this plain of death for a short time, and there was another breakthrough, and it was a big breakthrough. I reached the Saint Dzogchen level directly from the early stage of the saint. Now my strength is more than ten times stronger than before, and my body is also much stronger. , don't know the early days of Heaven

With my current strength, I don't know if I can fight against the strong in the early stage of Heavenly Dao. "Wukong thought secretly.

Wukong is thinking about selflessness here, but the people below are extremely nervous.

"It's been so long, why hasn't he come to his senses? What should we do if that City Lord Tianxuan comes?" A voice sounded from below.

"That's right! It's been a month, we've been trapped here, and we can't get out. If City Lord Tianxuan brings someone here suddenly, none of us will be able to escape." Someone raised an objection, which immediately aroused the attention of other people. resonance.


"Okay, shut up." A majestic voice sounded in everyone's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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