Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 214 Taking a Long-Term Plan

Chapter 214 Taking a Long-Term Plan ([-])

Everyone immediately stopped discussing under this majestic voice, and looked at Xuan Xi in unison.

After Xuan Xi looked around for a week, he said: "Brother Wukong is our savior. He is at a critical moment, but you are here only concerned about your own life and death. Do you think you are worthy of your conscience?"

After Xuan Xi said these words, she stopped making a sound, but looked around, and saw that everyone lowered their heads, as if they knew they were wrong.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't just think about myself." The person who made the first comment raised his head and apologized.

"Me too. I shouldn't just think about our own life and death. If I escape this time, I will swear allegiance to the Lord Wukong, and I will never regret it." Another person said.

"I, Di Qing, swear to follow the Holy Lord Wukong forever." The young man pretending to be vigorously swore.

"I,,,,,," others immediately echoed the oath.

"Sacred Lord Wukong, Holy Venerable Wukong." The crowd shouted.

Xuan Xi did not object at all to everyone swearing allegiance to Wukong, but looked at everyone with a smile on her face.

"Be quiet." Xuan Xi interrupted everyone's shouting.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, he paused and continued: "Since you have all made up your mind, I am also very happy. As for whether Brother Wukong will agree with you to follow him, let's discuss it after he wakes up. Now, You all be quiet, don't disturb Satoru
Brother Kongdao’s cultivation, by the way, let me tell you one more thing, that is, City Lord Tianxuan should not come, a month has passed, if he wanted to come, he must have come a long time ago, if he didn’t come, it means that Jiang Fan and others didn’t go back , City Lord Tianxuan will not know what happened here,
So now you just wait here with peace of mind. "

"Yeah!" The crowd cheered immediately, but they realized something immediately, stopped making noise and became quiet.

Gradually, everyone sat cross-legged on the same spot and began their own cultivation, quietly waiting for Wukong to wake up, especially Zixia, who saw how powerful Wukong was and did not want to be a burden to him.

Time passed by little by little, and soon another thirteen days passed.

Wukong, who was suspended in mid-air, suddenly opened his eyes, and two golden rays of light burst out from his eyes, directly in front of him, and disappeared into the void in an instant.

"Huh." After Wukong breathed out, he lowered his head and looked at the tribe, and then his figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared outside the mask. At the same time, the mask disappeared, and then the black bead immediately flew towards Wukong's forehead , blending into it and disappearing.

"Huh?" Xuan Xi, who was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, opened her eyes instantly, and then stood up.

"Brother Wukong, congratulations, you are getting closer to the Heavenly Path." Xuan Xi stepped forward to congratulate.

"Hehe, thank you." Wukong smiled lightly.

"Wukong." At this moment, Zixia's voice came.

Wukong turned to the left, only to see Zixia flying towards him.

"Hehe, Zixia, are you okay?" Wukong asked with a smile.

"Well, Wukong, I'm fine, how about you? What's your plan next?" Zixia said softly.

"What? I originally planned to go to the easternmost place of the Death Plain to find a place to practice quietly, but now I meet you here. Of course, I took you to the easternmost place to find a place to practice quietly." Wukong replied .

(End of this chapter)

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