Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 215 Taking a Long-Term Plan

Chapter 215 Taking a Long-Term Plan (Part [-])

"Wukong, can you bring Brother Xuanxi with you, after all, they are my saviors, after they stay here, they may be retaliated by City Lord Tianxuan." Zixia continued.

"Well,,,,,," Wu Kong hesitated, he didn't want to take Xuan Xi and others with him, but he didn't know if others would like to go with them to the east, after all, he was just an outsider and had no friendship with them , others should not easily believe in their own
Go with yourself.

In fact, Wukong thinks too much. In this world where hunters will kill you at any time, as long as you are a powerful person and have no hostility towards them, they will trust you and are willing to follow you. Of course, the so-called They mean those who do not
There are weak practitioners who are sanctified.

"Brother Wukong, can I take the liberty to ask you a question?" Xuan Xi interjected at this time.

"Well, fellow Taoist Xuan Xi, please tell me." Wukong nodded.

"If you want to find a place to practice quietly in the east, do you have enough origin stones?" Xuan Xi asked.

"No, I don't have a source stone. What does it have to do with finding a place to practice?" Wukong asked back.

"Then I would like to advise Brother Dao, you'd better not go to the east, because there, you can't survive there without origin stones. Of course, you can join them and become their subordinates, but there are still many people Those who don't want to be others' subordinates should

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many saint-level powerhouses establishing tribes on their own. They are basically people who are unwilling to join those cities and don't have enough origin stones to pay for the expensive accommodation.Those cities, even some small cities, need a lot of origin stones
In order to live in it, let alone live for a long time. "

"Especially in Zhendong City in the east, the living expenses are even more expensive, so I suggest Brother Dao not to go east." Xuan Xi explained.

"Why are there so many quasi-holy-level ascetics in Zhendong City? Are they all defected to Zhendong City? But why do they want so many quasi-holy-level monks? Quasi-holy-level monks can only be regarded as ants to those who are above the saint level. can't do anything for them

. "Wukong asked doubtfully.

"Hehe, Daoist brother, you are wrong. The ascetics of the quasi-sage level are just slaves there, and they serve those above the level of saints. In the city, you can buy and sell the ascetics of the quasi-sage level at will. A certain number of quasi-sages are allowed. Saint-level ascetics are in the city, for

In order to satisfy their superior vanity. " Xuan Xi replied.

"Oh, it seems that I need to think long-term." Wukong said after hearing this.

"Brother Wukong, I think you should stay with us first. Let's change the location of the tribe first. Although this place is relatively close to where the hunters live, the hunters who come here are basically saints." below level, so you are here
You can definitely practice with peace of mind. "Xuan Xi suggested.

"Yeah, Wukong, during the time I lived here, there was basically no danger, except this time of course, but fortunately you appeared." Zixia said.

"Well, well, let's live in your tribe." It's the same wherever you practice, Wukong only needs a quieter place.

(End of this chapter)

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