Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 216 Deep into the Holy Tomb

Chapter 216 Going Deep into the Holy Tomb ([-])

Then Wukong and others walked westward for [-] meters and stopped, and then established a tribe, that is, they used the power of the earth to build dozens of stone houses, surrounded by a one-meter-high earth wall.

In fact, as long as there is a saint-level ascetic in the death plain, a small city can be established, but that will attract stronger hunters to hunt, so some individual saints just established a small tribe. Like Xuan Xi.but
Yes there are still mostly small towns built by individual sages because they want to earn some originiums.

After all, the price of accommodation in small towns is still very cheap, and those quasi-sages can still afford it. Compared with most small tribes without saints, small towns with saints are safer, so generally thousands of people live in these small towns. human, like this

As a result, those city lords can earn a lot of origin stones, but it's just a little risky.There must be adventures on the way of cultivation, and this adventure is nothing to them.

As for why there are saints in some small tribes, but so many people enter the small town, it is because those small tribes with saints do not allow too many people to enter their tribes, otherwise the strength of their tribes will be exposed , so those small towns

There are still a large number of quasi-holy-level ascetics entering it.

Although the invincible existence of Wukong, a saint, has been added this time, he doesn't want to be disturbed, so what Xuanxi has established is just a small tribe.

"Brother Wukong, I have something to tell you." As soon as the tribe was established, Xuan Xi said to Wukong.

"If you have anything to say, please tell me." Wukong replied.

"I want to lead everyone to follow you, Brother Dao, and serve you as the master. I don't know if you are willing?" Xuan Xi asked solemnly.

As soon as Xuan Xi's words came out, it immediately attracted the attention of others. Everyone stopped and looked at Wukong nervously, waiting for Wukong's reply with full expectation.

"Huh? Are you all willing to follow me?" Wukong asked without answering.

"Yes, everyone agrees." Xuan Xi nodded.The others also nodded nervously, they didn't dare to intervene, they could only nod desperately to express their willingness.

Seeing everyone's performance, Wukong said, "I have no objection to following me, but let me tell you one thing beforehand, my future enemies are very powerful, and you will face death at any time if you follow me, so are you still willing to follow me? "

"Yes, yes." Everyone immediately said in unison.

Xuan Xi raised his right hand and waved it, and everyone stopped shouting immediately.

"Brother Dao, you have also seen that we are all willing, no matter how dangerous it is in the future." Xuan Xi then put down her hands and said.

"Okay, then you will call me the Great Sage from now on." Wukong will not let everyone call him the Monkey King for the time being, after all, he is much calmer than before, and he also knows that there are people outside the sky, and there are people outside the sky. This world belongs to the middle class.

For the time being, you need a quiet environment to practice, but now you must keep a low profile.

"Great Sage, Great Sage, Great Sage." Everyone immediately shouted again.

"Okay, everyone be quiet." Wukong said loudly, and everyone stopped shouting immediately.

"You should practice hard from now on. Xuan Xi, you are responsible for preaching to them and helping them become holy as soon as possible. I will also practice in seclusion for a period of time. When I leave the seclusion, I will reward the ten people who have made the most progress. , Alright, let’s start practicing, Zixia,

You practice retreat with me. "After Wukong finished speaking, he called Zixia.

(End of this chapter)

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