Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 217 Deep into the Holy Tomb

Chapter 217 Going Deep into the Holy Tomb ([-])

"En." Zixia followed Wukong into a stone house after responding.

After entering the stone house, Wukong separates his good fortune holy body, and then Wukong's good fortune holy body practice, and Wukong's first body begins to guide Zixia to practice.

In a certain mysterious space in Qinmeng universe, there are tall and straight trees everywhere, and there is a lot of fog. At this time, there are three people walking in the woods.

"Emond, be careful." Suddenly a black light flashed, and the next moment a small green snake fell from the tree.

"Huh, it's dangerous, thank you Brother Sun for your rescue." Emond, with green hair and purple pupils, thanked Wukong in black.

These three people are Wukong's World-Destroying Saint Body, Yun Xuanling and Thunder God of War Emond.

It turns out that 16 years have passed since Wukong's first body went to the source world in the Qinmeng universe, and now Wukong and others are in the Jedi Holy Tomb in the upper realm of magic civilization.

The Holy Mausoleum is divided into 21 floors in total, of which there are three floors, with seven floors forming one floor. Each floor will have a guardian, and each floor is more powerful, especially the last floor of each floor, which is even more difficult. It is difficult to add up the first six floors, each floor has treasures,
But Godhead is at the last level of each stage.

The time to enter the Holy Tomb is the same as the Jijia Pavilion, and it is also a year.

Currently Wukong and the other three are on the No.12 floor of the Holy Tomb. This floor is full of fog and trees. The fog here is not ordinary fog. Those at the level of the main god can only see clearly two meters away.

In the inner environment, even the consciousness can only spread more than ten meters, which is simply difficult to move. After all, for their level of existence, more than ten meters is simply too short.

However, this space is not very large, only 100 million square meters. With Wukong's current strength at the level of the Holy Spirit, he can cover the entire space with his spiritual consciousness. Edmond is glad that he has Wukong on the same journey.

The guardians here are also fully aware of the location of the intruders. They are not affected by the fog at all, so the intruders are in great danger. Just now, Edmond was almost hit by the tiny green snake. One sip, although it will not die, but it will be spiritual

Confusion, madness, when the time comes, they will attack indiscriminately, regardless of enemy or friend.

Before Wukong and others saw a main god-level attack, they became mad instantly and attacked the people around them, and were finally killed by everyone's joint efforts.

This holy mausoleum is like the Mecha Pavilion. Each level is entered by gods of different levels. The first level is entered by the powerhouses of the peak level of the upper gods, the second level is entered by the powerhouses of the main god level, and the third level is The powerhouse of the Supreme God level has entered, the Supreme God
That is to say, a practitioner at the level of the Holy Spirit.

Over the past decade or so, Wukong's strength has not improved much, mainly because Wukong has become more proficient in using the move of "star disillusionment".Although the strength of Wukong's World-Exterminating Saint Physique is equivalent to the level of the Holy Spirit, the realm of the World-Exterminating Saint Physique is equivalent to the level of the Lord God, so
This trip to the Holy Tomb, Wukong, like Yun Xuanling and others, entered the second level.

As for Yun Xuanling, he has improved a lot in the past ten years, and his own realm has reached the level equivalent to the level of the main god. As for the strength, it is definitely not low.

(End of this chapter)

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