Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 219 Deep into the Holy Tomb

Chapter 219 Going Deep into the Holy Tomb ([-])

Soon Wukong and the three came to the back of a big tree 100 meters away from the passage on the next floor.

"There are ten snake men and thousands of little green snakes lurking next to the exit. Later, we will follow me and rush into the passage at full speed, and you don't care about anything else." Wukong instructed simply through voice transmission.

"Okay." Yun Xuanling and Edmond replied in unison.

"Okay, get ready. When I count to three, you will start flying towards the passage at full speed. Remember, you are going at full speed, and I will cover you." Wukong emphasized again.

"I remember." "Understood." Yun Xuanling and Edmond replied crisply.

"One." Wukong's voice sounded in Yun Xuanling's mind.

"Two." The two secretly prepared to sprint.


"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" of three piercing sounds, and immediately three rays of light flashed towards the passageway.

However, the last black ray of light stopped suddenly after advancing 60 meters, and at the same time, two invisible ripples scattered to both sides. The black ray moved forward again in an instant, and the black ray stayed for a very short time. Not more than a second.

I saw the snake people lurking around and the little green snake miraculously stopped moving as soon as they rushed out. The scene looked very strange.

After the three rays of light entered the passage, the snake men and the little green snake regained their ability to move.

"Phew, we have finally reached the No.13 floor. Through this floor, we can reach the last floor of the second floor." Emond revealed his yearning expression.

"Let's go, it's still the previous plan, avoid fighting them, save your energy, and wait until the No.14 floor to have a good fight." Wukong said without turning his head.

Next, the three of Wukong spent seven days circling half a circle on the No.13 floor, and played hide-and-seek with the guardian of the No.13 floor for seven days, and finally used the hold technique to quickly enter the passage leading to the No.14 floor.

"Brother Wukong, I still think it would be more troublesome and time-consuming for you to do this. With your strength, you can just order it directly? Why bother with so many detours." Yun Xuanling said before entering the No.14 floor.

Emond was also very puzzled, but he didn't ask. After all, he had seen Wukong's strength and had a feeling of awe towards Wukong. At this time, Yun Xuanling asked, and he heard it, so he also looked at Wukong and waited. Goku's answer.

"Answer me a question first, have you discovered anything in the past month or so?" Wukong asked back.

Yun Xuanling and Edmond looked at each other, and then they fell into deep thought.

"The strength of the guardians is getting stronger and stronger." Yun Xuanling said after thinking for a moment.

"We already knew that the strength of the guardians is getting stronger and stronger, so that doesn't count." Wukong vetoed.

"Oh." Yun Xuanling said disappointedly.

"Brother Sun, is it because the number of guardians is getting smaller and smaller?" Edmund asked uncertainly.

"Well, that's one point, but it's not the most important." Wukong nodded.

"By the way, they don't seem to have much wisdom. The attacking moves seem to be set. They are just blindly attacking, and their bodies are not flexible enough." After all, Edmund has lived for millions of years and has relatively wide knowledge. His strength is not as good as Yun Xuanling's, but his vision is definitely sharper than Yun Xuanling's.

(End of this chapter)

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